Wonderful! Pennard castle has a stunning location overlooking 3 cliffs bay, probably Gower's most famous beach. Fantastic bird's eye view of it here
there's not a lot of castle left to see though - takes a whole 5 minutes! so most visitors just sit on the grassy banks and enjoy the scenery.
Would that be King Arthur's stone? On Cefn Bryn? That's about a mile up the hill from my house :p
Yup, that would be the stone.:)
There are some great views there. It's been a long time since I've been there. I've walked most of that coastline.
there's lovely! (Gavin & Stacey anyone?) Did you know you can walk the entire Welsh coastline now? That's one of the (few) really good things the Senedd have done.

Wish I knew your neck of the woods better; I've only been to Catalonia once, and I loved it, especially around Emporion.
You'll laugh, but I've never been there. I've spent some time helping out at the National Park just below (Emporda) Emporion and have been told I should visit. There are a lot of beautiful places around this area.
Good morning CC'ers

Thanks for the coffee, Shad

Tonya be safe in your travels today! Hope the trial goes well.

Good morning Sue, TGIF to you! ;)

Good morning aart! :frow bread sounds good! :drool
Cool, 51°F here this morning. Light breeze, sunny, partly cloudy.

Everyone make it a great day! :celebrate

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