Wish I had seen that.
The scaremongering is EVERYWHERE!!
I don't find it to hard to ignore....just makes me SMH.
The jerk has probably got the nation's supply of toilet paper in there with him. There's none to be found at any of our local stores.
See a lot of that around here.
There's hitching posts at the grocery and dollar stores.

So imagination in gear this morning...
....picturing all you 'clubbers' running around to all the numerous 'cafes' making coffee and tea and pastries, scouting for gnats, then running back and announcing status of locations.

Doesn't it make your day to have a good laugh.
I would send it back saying you'd like to discuss it when they get the line back up!
I did suggest something similar to the person responsible for paying the bill. I don't have a land line extension to my house. I talk enough shite on the Internet without having a phone line to add to the problem.:p
Good morning one and all!

It's tea time, waters hot, tea, and condiments are on the counter.

Enjoy it's so soothing.

It's 67 degrees with sunshine today.
Tea! Perfect. Thanks. 20200310_175845.jpg

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