Most wise sourland - new symptom to tell you about :oops:. Today I had soup, reading the label I realized it was packed with salt. When I started ingesting it, it tasted blah, so I added salt. Couldn't taste that either. Go ahead tell me I am dying (slowly) from the virus.:th
Bible said "Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt" Go figure. :confused:
SQUAWK! peeps smiling.JPG
Taste buds are odd creatures and they do morph with age. Used to be I'd about spit out tequila and now I can sip appreciatively. Wha? The bite and bitter gone for me. My sense of taste (as in flavor, folks) waxes and wanes as does my sense of smell. Don't think it has anything to do with illness, just one of the vagaries of aging. (If you take prescriptions -- especially antibiotics -- expect your buds to be wonked up.)

Diva -- I hope you're back to enjoying ice cream soon!

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