Bought cucumber today just two but then I bought plants established cucumber, something had the audacity to eat mine.
Now just goofing off
I've been finding snails in my garden! :heI think they may have been the culprits who ate 2 plantings of snow peas! I put some Sluggo around. Not where the chickens are though. My neighbor gave me 3 cucumber plants which I'm hoping to train up my hog panel tunnel.
On another page, a BYC'er mentioned that a thick line of wood ash around the beds and plants deters snails and slugs.

We had a pop-up storm last night right before sunset. Lots of wind and a smattering of rain, but mainly intense blowing, blowing, blowing. Now we've got a stretch of at least a week with nary a drop of precip.

Coffee this morning is a batch called Italiano Manzano... Something dark and flavored from our local roaster.
On another page, a BYC'er mentioned that a thick line of wood ash around the beds and plants deters snails and slugs.

We had a pop-up storm last night right before sunset. Lots of wind and a smattering of rain, but mainly intense blowing, blowing, blowing. Now we've got a stretch of at least a week with nary a drop of precip.

Coffee this morning is a batch called Italiano Manzano... Something dark and flavored from our local roaster.
Broken egg shells around the plants deters slugs. Or you can always go with the saucer of beer 🍺 in the garden. Just beware of intoxicated chipmunks.
Good morning all. I just put on a fresh pot of coffee. Let me know if we need tea water today. We finally are being treated to more seasonal temperatures now. Nice!

I'll take a cup of tea.

Need to get my body going.

Have to take my husband to outpatient therapy.

While he is there I have to go shopping at Lowe's and other places.

So it will be a busy day.

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