Morning, all!

Went and toured a new boarding stable that opened up nearby. Nice facilities and I'd like to get back on a horse, but my knees are a tad too problematic. (It seems like everyone I know who rode English is having to have their knees and hips done...all that posting, I guess.) Even if I found a horse built like a corgi, I'd still have to have a mounting block. My sorority sister who has had her knees done and rides now insists on short horses as she has to shimmy down for a dismount to avoid percussion. Anyway, having been the barn-on-property route before, IF I were to get a horse, I'd gladly pay to have someone else do all the maintenance. Not as cost effective, but time is money and there's a lot of horse schlepping that gets done before the glamour of riding off into the sunset. (I say that latter part facetiously because there is no glam in horse owning. More than once I've gone out in public with alfalfa in my hair....)

It was nice that DH -- not a horse person at all -- joined me to see the facilities.

Happy Labor Day!
Morning Club Peep I would love a horse again in theory but reality
no way .. woke up with the dizzy bad again .. Congrats to George on the dogs win but he is nice dog .. I grew up with papillion .. Corgi are great bread bit too heavy body.. Boy I need that coffee today thanks

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