The mistakes I've made have created a more worldly perspective and introspection. Now, the severity of those mistakes I wish could've been mitigated, but I don't think I'd have changed the experiences. Bad decisions made for better choices later on, and fortunately it all balanced out in the long run.

Amazed that came out sort of profound and cohesive before my first cup of coffee! Must've gotten enough sleep last night.
Profound alright. Second cup of coffee - yep, still profound
As soon as I get my fill of coffee I guess I need to get dressed and go to town. I had planned to pay my property tax today. Ugh. If I go online, I get charged a $63 processing fee. If I pay by credit card, I get a $50 fee. So am in a really snarly mood right now and am thinking of getting it in one dollar bills and let them count them out. Maybe I will just write a check, which means I have to transfer the money to a different account, drive to town and stand in line. Guess I just need to go outside and watch Chicken TV for awhile. Sorry guys, be better tomorrow

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