Our T.J.'s is an hour away :( My daughter in-law loves it. She gets some really great things there. I may need to take a day trip hahaha
Our Trader Joe's has fertile eggs! I have had two good hatches from their eggs.
Morning ya’ll. Today started off with a bang. Cleaned the quail cage after feeding the animals. Cleaned and washed the porch and patio. Gonna take a lunch break and get to the chicken coop/ run and driveway this afternoon.
In times of trouble, cleaning can be really therapeutic and help to redirect the thoughts.
Do you have some pictures of the results to share with us?
9 week old pullets.jpg
9 week old cockerels.jpg
NYD chicks first day 1.jpg

These are a mix of fertile eggs from whole foods and Trader Joe's. The cockerels at the top right with the red in the wins are from Whole foods.

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