Good afternoon one and all!

Water, tea, and condiments are ready for your enjoyment.

Grab a cup when you need or want a cup.

Took Gretchen, my momma dog, to the vet Monday after she had five (5) seizures.

The vet helped her to cross the rainbow bridge peacefully.

I had made an appointment for June 24, 2021, to have her put to sleep. She decided to do it her way.

At least she is in a better place.

Have a great day!
You will see her again God has a place for all we have lost
I am very sorry you lost Gretchen. :hugs

Although it is a tough decision we have to make, I am grateful that we as pet owners can help them and end their suffering in a peaceful way.

Two years ago, we had to let our big boy Paul go because of his seizures getting worse and uncontrollable.
I am so sorry a wondful place will wait for us and them
Took Gretchen, my momma dog, to the vet Monday after she had five (5) seizures.

The vet helped her to cross the rainbow bridge peacefully.

I had made an appointment for June 24, 2021, to have her put to sleep. She decided to do it her way.

At least she is in a better place.
How do I react with sadness and love to the same post?
You did right by her. :hugs It's always so hard.
Good afternoon one and all!

Water, tea, and condiments are ready for your enjoyment.

Grab a cup when you need or want a cup.

Took Gretchen, my momma dog, to the vet Monday after she had five (5) seizures.

The vet helped her to cross the rainbow bridge peacefully.

I had made an appointment for June 24, 2021, to have her put to sleep. She decided to do it her way.

At least she is in a better place.

Have a great day!
So sorry for your loss. Seems like a lot of furbabies crossing over lately
Good morning everyone :) Back from the doctor, he looked, asked questions and prescribed me Tramadol 50 mg once a day. I pray it helps me to function through the day without the pain.

Fresh coffee is ready
Hope you get relief From pain. Just saw my MD and found out I have sleep apnea and high cholesterol. when he asked if I have any concerns, I go Nooo, I’m fine. Lord knows, he does not need to find anything else wrong with me.

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