Morning ya'll. Coffee on and enjoying watching the hens from the window, in the cool house. Today looks to be a little humid and hot. This evening will fire up the grill and get to cooking, but until then, will be lazy. Gonna watch old movies on TV, play with the dogs, and nap, snack on chocolate Graham crackers and/or Fritos. May take a hot soaky bath in the Dr. Teal's Epsom salt and Shea butter soaking solution I got for Christmas. All family lives a distance away and so will visit by phone this evening. Hope you all have a glorious and safe Independance Day and remember why and what we are celebrating.
Morning ya'll. Coffee on and enjoying watching the hens from the window, in the cool house. Today looks to be a little humid and hot. This evening will fire up the grill and get to cooking, but until then, will be lazy. Gonna watch old movies on TV, play with the dogs, and nap, snack on chocolate Graham crackers and/or Fritos. May take a hot soaky bath in the Dr. Teal's Epsom salt and Shea butter soaking solution I got for Christmas. All family lives a distance away and so will visit by phone this evening. Hope you all have a glorious and safe Independance Day and remember why and what we are celebrating.
Good morning and Happy 4th of July everyone!
No, she is just cheap- doesn't want to pay for it. Lives in the country and sleeps with doors and windows open- in this day and age, I can NOT believe it. Uses a box fan to cool off. She is actually 4 yrs younger than me. Says she is safe with Rosie, the german shepherd watchdog and a shotgun beside her bed. All righty then.
I hope she keeps hydrated!
I love cooling the house off with a fan blowing out upstairs and windows open downstairs. One of the benefits to living in the middle of nowhere.

A loaded gun by the bed is a good thing too. Gotta get another dog soon for another layer of security.
I installed a new whole house fan two summers ago. It is a quiet and cool. It is very quite! Most of the fan is in the attic attached to a vent pipe. I run it in the early morning to to bring in the cool air and in the evenings that are below 80F.

It works very well!


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