Mine is ancient, and LOUD!
But it changes the air in the house and blows the hot air out of the attic.
I don't run it in the morning, too humid.
Our old one failed so I bought the new quite one.

I was able to get the giant hole sealed up too. The sheet rock work was actually harder to do then installing the fan.
@ValerieJ come sit a spell
I like a good cup of coffee, but not espresso or any of the fancy stuff. I do buy whole bean, and grind each time I have coffee. Half and half, and no sugar.
I often buy whatever whole beans are on sale. I used to get Price Chopper, but our store closed.
Lately I've been happy with coffee beans from Vermont Coffee Company.
Yall in US, how'd your chicks handle the fireworks? Mine were pitiful.
There have been people lighting them off, really loud ones in the daytime. The chickens jump, and so do I. Last year someone started really early in June. I was in my backyard, in the daytime, and heard boom boom boom in rapid succession. I literally froze in my tracks, thinking it was someone with a gun.
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