Good morning. Coffee is brewed.
you paint for the pleasure it gives you!
4 years of art in high school - everything looked like crap in spite of good grades - stopped because it no longer gave me pleasure - water colors were fun/challenging
Made some mocha bars to go with my morning coffee
Thanks, and welcome back.
Good morning everyone :frow

That's a pity.

The deer park is situated on the other side of the Mosel river, so maybe your just missed to cross the river to go up there.

Just reminiscing...
This brought back some memories of places we went, but nobody mentioned Christmas time in Trier, it was one of our favorite times there 💖.

Good morning. Coffee is brewed.

4 years of art in high school - everything looked like crap in spite of good grades - stopped because it no longer gave me pleasure - water colors were fun/challenging

Thanks, and welcome back.
Thanks Sour, slept in a bit today 😴
Yall I'm really whole flock is acting sickly! My daughter n her husband are sick too!
Can anything from the chickens possibly be transferred to us as humans?
Morning by the way...really just concerned I guess. Flustered cuz I've been working g so hard to get their new area all setup and now they are all sick.
Yall I'm really whole flock is acting sickly! My daughter n her husband are sick too!
Can anything from the chickens possibly be transferred to us as humans?
Morning by the way...really just concerned I guess. Flustered cuz I've been working g so hard to get their new area all setup and now they are all sick.
So sorry about your birds and family members being sick :hugs :hugs Hopefully, it's nothing serious 😞

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