Note in my daffodil photo, weeds are busy already!
Weeds have been steady all winter long here, but easy to pull from the beds due to all the leaves I heaped in there. I was out photo taking this morning.. Getting images of Bruce (Henri's son, Henry was a BR) and King Wheaties (Henri's grandson via his mom). Look like twins with the exception of size.. Bruce is full sized,, Note the 5 toes on Bruce.
And King Wheaties is a midget, :lau
Good looking boys @CSolis.

I'm still sipping coffee so does that count as a good morning for the coffee club even though it's afternoon?

I've been outside making rooster's lives miserable. Bachelors moved to the old coop, Tut my Fayoumis rooster and my four Fayoumis hens are in the old bachelor coop. Poor Tut was shell shocked and I had to push him off the roost bar three times before he realized that Hey! Nobody's going to beat me up!

Now if I could get the girls to settle down. Trubel the main coop flock master, knows some of his harem is over there and he wants them back. Keeps calling to them so they are standing by the door and ignoring Tut even with cardboard put up.

Sux being them right now.

Besides doing that I've been following the news from the Ukraine. My heart breaks for those people.

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