Good morning. Coffee’s on. Looks to be rainy today so no work on the coop. Hubby is finally home so we can replace the roof.

Dumptruck and Midnight (named by 5 year old boys 😂) up top visiting for a bit.
I always order more than i think i need. Just in case.
I wanted to get 3 more, and ordered 4, just for this reason. Now I wish I'd ordered 5, as I recently lost a hen. I looked to see what Mt. Healthy had available to ship the same day as my order. Nada. Of course the two breeds I ordered were sold out for the year (Bielefelder and Blue Australorp); kind of expected that. But only meat breeds were available for my ship date, and I don't want those.
I wanted to get 3 more, and ordered 4, just for this reason. Now I wish I'd ordered 5, as I recently lost a hen. I looked to see what Mt. Healthy had available to ship the same day as my order. Nada. Of course the two breeds I ordered were sold out for the year (Bielefelder and Blue Australorp); kind of expected that. But only meat breeds were available for my ship date, and I don't want those.
What day is your ship date?

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