I know. I felt my own absence. Just got sucked up into a lot of other Life things. It's still jamming, but I'm trying to get a handle back on things. Being able to sit down at the computer feels like quite the luxury....
Same here Peep. I think it was John Lennon who said that life is what happens while you make other plans.

Had a revelation that I needed to cut back on computer/forum time as I was getting too stressed out being busy with life and trying to keep caught up on threads.

I'm not on as much but still keep y'all in my thoughts/heart/prayers.

Coffee is on. We are in a heat wave. Mid 90s all week...again. Praying none of my birds keel over. So it's really more iced tea weather than coffee weather.

Help yourselves, guys!
Same here Peep. I think it was John Lennon who said that life is what happens while you make other plans.

Had a revelation that I needed to cut back on computer/forum time as I was getting too stressed out being busy with life and trying to keep caught up on threads.

I'm not on as much but still keep y'all in my thoughts/heart/prayers.

Coffee is on. We are in a heat wave. Mid 90s all week...again. Praying none of my birds keel over. So it's really more iced tea weather than coffee weather.

Help yourselves, guys!
View attachment 3617238
I have been missing you.
Same here, Cap. Was thinking about you and your goat babies the other day and wondering how you all were doing....not to mention missing your pottery creations.

I usually am on when I get tagged with questions about Marek's disease...which sadly enough happens more frequently than you can imagine--so I'm not completely MIA.

Just kicked back and enjoying life in a slower gear with DH.
Thanks Sour. I'm making a pot of brown liquid sadness this morning, aka: Decaf as the old stomach has been bothering me for a few dats, Anyone brave not to mention desperate enough is sure welcome to help themselves.

Heading for 96 degrees here today. One more day of heat after that and then some relief here.


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