Those were the rules of our office coffee pool that I ran for a couple decades!

(Inherited the "mantle" when someone retired; I took it on in self-defense so I'd be sure the coffee was always there & decent!) No one took over when I retired, so they're all on their own now.

Some people were chronically tardy or failed to pay their monthly membership (just enough to cover supplies) until I posted the membership list by the pot in the break room and checked off who'd paid. That also deterred most freeloaders who'd sneak a cup without putting a quarter in the "visitor" can; paid members would call them on it. This was a professional office, no one was squeaking by on minimum wage - but cheapskates & freeloaders happen everywhere, sheesh!

Our coffee was better & waaaay cheaper than the cafeteria's, and I even supplied half & half (because I like it) and a flavored creamer for the Philistines. 😉

I like THIS coffee club much better! No hassle and we can fix it (or tea) any way we please! Cheers...[clink]

Welcome to the Club.
Morning coffee clubbers! I have pies to make and a house to clean but first comes the coffee!
Here, too -- I'm supposedly organizing my to-do list to get everything done for tomorrow's Thanksgiving party in the most efficient manner, but in reality I'm at my desk reading BYC posts, nursing a 3rd cup of coffee and watching the pullets busily scratching & playing (and looking toward the house expecting me to emerge with treats!) And it's already 1:30 in the afternoon. 🤭🙄 Sooo, I absolutely WILL get up and start doing all that cleaning, cooking and decorating...once I finish my coffee and reading a few more posts!
Helloooo Flock.....I know the world is rough and there are a lot of bad things going on around us, but lets take the time to be Thankful for all the small stuff we are privileged to have, our animals, Friends (both online and in person) and Family (most of them). And of course Coffee (and Tea), lets keep those going thru tough times and all kinds of trauma in our hopes and prayers.
To all my fellow BYC members Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving, Bruce

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