Monday morning coffee.jpg
Good morning, Coffee Clubbers! It is cloudy, cold and windy here today. Perfect for a good hot cup of coffee and a good book by the fire. I don't have a fireplace so will settle for the coffee and book. We are expecting stormy weather this afternoon into tomorrow so we will go out soon and make sure the chickies are secure.
Good morning have time messed up not sleeping at night.
clock is wonky.
Need to reset it.
My clock is messed up, but I seem to like it that way. Stay up very late, get up late, take naps as needed. Works out well for feeding the woodstove, I take the night shift until 3 am or so. It is always warm in here.
We are expecting stormy weather this afternoon into tomorrow so we will go out soon and make sure the chickies are secure.
The weather forecast for your region sounds wild and scary, even tornado warnings in some areas! 😯 Hope the worst of it won't be coming through where you folks are.

I'm grateful we'll just be very wet, as usual this time of year. Right now the chooks are out playing between showers and I'm finishing a lunchtime cup of coffee ☕ & watching them. Good day to be indoors, read, catch up on (ugh) housework.

Stay safe!🤗

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