Morning all! Coffee is on and ready. Help yourselves.

We got around 10 inches of snow yesterday, another 4-7 coming in tomorrow followed by frigid temps. High on Sunday -2 and a low of -17.

The coop is warm but I'll run a heat lamp well secured in the main coop for the bantams and Fayoumis to huddle under so they keep warm during the day. I don't run it at night for safety concerns.

It's funny. Last week they were spouting La Nina winter on NOAA's sites, which they said means a warmer than usual, drier than usual outlook. Then on Monday they were talking about how these storms were typical for an El Nino winter weather pattern.

Sometimes I think the weather service is being ran by a mentally challenged AI because @pennyJo1960 is right. They are a bunch of weather guessers.
Sometimes I think the weather service is being ran by a mentally challenged AI because @pennyJo1960 is right. They are a bunch of weather guessers.
I would agree... except our local team is very good. They don't always get it right, but they have the latest technology and give good estimates of what is likely to happen.

I think they realize that people (us) want to know what we might have coming, and should prepare for. I don't expect them to nail it. When they say they "think" something is possible based on the data and their collective experience, I pay attention.

They also tell us things like, "The rain/snow line could shift a few miles north or south. This will have a big impact on how much snow is likely to fall in your area." I really appreciate knowing that kind of information.

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