HEAT WAVE! 24 here today. I'll be able to turn off the heat lamp in the coop by Sunday. Temps are supposed to be in the high 30s/40s after that with rain. Hey, anything but snow at this point. I have drifts in front of my coop that are up past my knees.

Birds are doing fine. I lost one cross bred rooster before the bad weather moved in. I had to cull him. Sick, on his way out. Skin and bones. I hate to think it was Marek's but in all honesty I don't know what else it could have been. he was a little over two years of age.

I'm on year 6 since my initial outbreak so it would just figure. Not much you can do about it. Soldier on and raise Egyptian Fayoumis.

A brisk 16 degrees this morning in SC and off I go
The ground is frozen but there is no snow
the pipes are not frozen and the water does flow
Warm coats on and face aglow, out the door is where I go.

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