Think I'll brew more coffee as the sky is darkening again rather ominously.

Wild weather here the past 2 days and more to come! We're at 3.08" since Thursday with spells of high winds, hail, thunder & lightning and heavy rain squalls, punctuated by calm spells with even a bit of sunshine -- just enough to lure me outside in time to get soaked while chicken-tending or dog-walking. More to come over the weekend into Monday, so spring is not yet sprung here, despite the bulbs popping up and some fruit trees budding & putting out a few tentative blooms. (I keep telling the plum and nectarine, "No, No! It's a trap! Hail and frost are coming!")

Power went out at noon yesterday and our new solar system kicked in seamlessly & kept everything running, its first real test. We didn't even know the grid was down until we saw the outage alerts online. Vast improvement over cooking on the camp stove in the dark for days at a time and hoping our perishable foods didn't spoil before power came back on, as in previous winters!

Yup -- looking out the window, more rain just started and my hens have taken cover again. Sorry, girls!

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