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Hi Yorkshire coop~ I too tried to remove photos and put the updated ones on my coop post but it would not let me do it. I also had to create a whole new post...

Would it not let you "Edit" your coop page?
Do you see the "Edit" at the bottom of your page like this from mine?


Thank you, I will try to be more active. Looking forward to sharing my new coop.

Your most welcome and I look forward to seeing your coop :D

100% pallets and used lumber. Total cost $50 for the outdoor wood screws. Added the swing just because so many of my friends tag me on the "Chicken Swing" I had to put one on. Currently have 8 hens laying, and 10 chicks growing. Took me 3 weekends to get it built.

Here is our newest addition our son made for me. I call it Cliff's Chicken Tractor. Inside there is a perch, a hanging feeder and a hanging waterer. He put a magnet on the bottom of the pop up door so I can pull it open from the outside and at night when I release the wire it closes and stays quite tight because of the magnet. The whole floor of the house is a drawer that opens from the back for easy cleaning. He used 1/2" hardware cloth as this will be our grow out pen. Since this picture Cliff has added wheels & handles and I have hung the outside waterer. Now I have to get busy and paint it. At the moment it's parked right off our patio. I can really keep an eye on things from here.
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I like that. Are you concerned about predators at all?

Thank you. As far as predator we have had issues with possums and raccoon and there are feral cats in the neighborhood. Only had one major incident where a possum had grabbed one of our hens by her head and was proceeding to drag her into the blackberry patch. The reason it happened is she did not want to go into the coop with the rest of the chickens when it was bedtime and the automatic door closed.

Long story short, I heard her cries for help @ 1am and saved her from the possum and she is still with us today. One of our best broody hens (buff oprington) and she is about 5 years old now. Tough old bird!

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