Coop Suggestions?


Chicken Chaser
6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
I'm looking at getting started with chickens. I still have to get my husband on board, but I have a feeling he will go for it!

I'd like to get a coop with an attached run. We are not very DIY people over here, but if something comes with all of the parts, I can put it together easy enough!

I'm looking to spend no more then about $200-$250 on a coop. Something that looks nice, as we live in a subdivision and I don't want neighbors to think it is an eyesore (cleared it with the HOA today, hens are fine!). I'm also looking at purchasing silkies, and want 3-4 of them.

I've found a couple of options, but as I've never had chickens before, I don't know if they are good ones. (this thing is just super cute! LOL) (A little more than what I am looking at spending, but it looks nice).

I'd love any suggestions you guys have! Thanks for the help!
My connection is slow so I only looked at the Petco coop. Pretty cute, but if my math is correct it wouldn't hold many chickens. One thing about Silkies: they go broody a LOT. I'm dealing with my first broody hen and I had no idea how seriously a chicken can brood! I'm looking at the Cream Legbar chickens. They're a bantam breed, true sex links, great personalities, and they lay blue eggs!

Back to the coop: you might look on Craigslist or even hire somebody to build it for you. Coops are cheap, wiring is what gets you. But I've never wished my coop or run was smaller :) Good luck!
Thanks. I checked CL and there wasn't much there. :( You'd think with being in Idaho there'd be coops galore. LOL.
Both those coops are cute but small. Most on this site start with 4 sq ft inside inside and 10 sq ft out side for each large fowl. I believe you can put 2 bantams in the same space. These are starting guide lines and many factor contribute to what works for each of us in the end. You'll love having chickens I had no idea until dd brought them home last June from he 2nd grade class.
I just bought that 2nd coop and sent it back. it was really small and cheaply made. It would never stand up to any predator.
Both of those are too small if you are wanting to start with 3-4. I know the websites will say "fits four hens comfortably" most times, but they are just trying to sell a product and realistically will not comfortably hold that many. Another thing you need to watch out for is many of the places who sell coops online are of much lower quality and fall apart easily/quickly. Be careful. I agree with Garden Gal about finding someone who builds coops. In your area you really should be able to find someone who advertises on CL. I just did a search in Idaho and here's what I came up with, without knowing what area you are in-

Boise Area

East Idaho

Hope this helps! Good luck

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