Costco Canopy Run

I saw that a few days ago, it is gone now. there's another for 250, and it would add 12 feet. Cost per foot isn't great vs the cattle panels. But more importantly, these kennels sometimes bow out at the top (at least with my hoop style roof). Maybe that'll change with the new canopy pitch fittings I have coming.

But also, I have 72 square feet. That is pushing it, but technically doable in terms of run right? I could also wire off part of it for the new ones to eat broiler feed and when ready then open it up fully.
But also, I have 72 square feet. That is pushing it, but technically doable in terms of run right? I could also wire off part of it for the new ones to eat broiler feed and when ready then open it up fully.

It's very tight, especially with adding new birds. Crowding can cause aggression issues that are a pain to resolve. Integration takes more space than minimum as the new birds need space to run away and put distance between them and the older birds - it helps a lot to put in obstacles too and obstacles eat up space. Even if you have to install a temporary extension until you can put in something better, it would help.
I think for the sake of having a consistent height, I'll try to find a dog kennel extension and add my canopy roof fittings with galvanized tubing. I like the cattle panel idea, but I'm half way there with one design already.

Maybe I'll make a hoop setup for meat birds.
Below is my temp set up, carport with cover. You HAVE to weigh this down all over and screw long bolts in the ground if you have ANY wind. The blocks you see are Wall blocks and are 80# each. there are rods in the ground and other blocks inside too. Snow doesn't stay well on this either and it can collapse. These are NOT meant for any snow weight.
During the Spring/Summer it has netting over it and there (now and then) is wire fencing around the perimeter of it on the inside.

Sorry this is Winter here so YARD LOOKS YUCKY


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