Coturnix Quail Hatch Along

BIRDS ARE IN!! :celebrate
Well, except for my chicks and two roos


I still need to finish putting all of their stuff in! So excited

While moving them I found a GIANT pile of eggs, and one of my sweet little hens sitting on them


So cute:love

Finally got to messing around in their pens. I noticed they were starting to get bored & restless, so I made it my priority to try to get some of it done today. I still need to add more things, but this will do for the moment. A lot of their stuff is still in their old pen.. I need to finish up the other pens so I can take that down. I plan to move some of the chicks out soon! Once I get these next pens set up, and the new birds integrated I can get back to hatching chicks. Shouldn’t be much of a problem… hope it cools off a bit though :th
View attachment 3621757

Finally got to messing around in their pens. I noticed they were starting to get bored & restless, so I made it my priority to try to get some of it done today. I still need to add more things, but this will do for the moment. A lot of their stuff is still in their old pen.. I need to finish up the other pens so I can take that down. I plan to move some of the chicks out soon! Once I get these next pens set up, and the new birds integrated I can get back to hatching chicks. Shouldn’t be much of a problem… hope it cools off a bit though :th
Looks really good my chicks just turned a weak old two with problems but looking really pretty I had one failure to thrive.
Nice how’s your albino doing?
She’s doing great! I am pleasantly surprised :)
No weird look to her, active, and she’s just about the size of her siblings. I was worried her development would be slow, but it looks like she kept up with everyone. Her vision definitely isn’t the best, but I don’t believe she is fully blind yet.




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