Cream Legbars

I am liking my females this year, I have a really nice looking little pullet, my youngest of the bunch. She is 10weeks old and is showing some good potential. I will try to get a picture of her tomorrow, as well as the 15week old cockerel that is showing ok potential. The females are showing much better qualities than my males are though. All the males had good and bad qualities and were decent males, but I think I was being to hard on them with my own critiques, which is why they all got culled.
Can't wait for picts

My males this year are all going to be culls because their combs are making a J at the back -- and I thought I had resolved that hoo. It's okay though because the three straight-combed males that I have here are more than plenty....
Can't wait for picts

My males this year are all going to be culls because their combs are making a J at the back -- and I thought I had resolved that hoo. It's okay though because the three straight-combed males that I have here are more than plenty....
Oh that's a bummer. These CL are tricky.

After posting last night I woke up feeling a little bummed I didn't hold back my favorite from the older juvies from processing, he was far from perfect but had good qualities but his barring was not as distinct as I like and he had white fluff at the base of his tail under his saddle feathers (How do we feel about this white under fluff, I assume that is a no no which is another reason for culling him).

I hope the 15week old doesn't have something wonky start showing up in the next few weeks. His tail is a little high but his comb is small and straight and color seems decent he also is long legged. What I dont like about this male and it just crossed my mind is that he is lacking the better barring my older males had on the wing. So that is a big bummer because I was hoping to keep that feature this year to bring it forward for next year but I culled the feature out for this year. I hope I don't go and regret that. Time will tell.

@ChicKat what did you try to work on this year with your CL? Any forward progress? Id love to see some pics if you would like to post them. By J comb I assume you mean where it curves around off the backside of the head.
It looks like im going to cull my male I selected for breeding because the youngster Im growing out now seems to be developing better. You never know really though. My male went from a decent comb and wattles to a huge monstrosity seemingly over night. I love his temperament though and though he is far more brown than Id like he is good sized with other good qualities. With all the trouble Ive been having getting started with this breed I may just hatch some offspring just to see how they are. I will probably put him with some EE's im growing out and my barred holland for the time being to help up the blue egg layers for next year. Ill have to get a pic of his comb and wattles just to show how nuts they have become.
It looks like im going to cull my male I selected for breeding because the youngster Im growing out now seems to be developing better. You never know really though. My male went from a decent comb and wattles to a huge monstrosity seemingly over night. I love his temperament though and though he is far more brown than Id like he is good sized with other good qualities. With all the trouble Ive been having getting started with this breed I may just hatch some offspring just to see how they are. I will probably put him with some EE's im growing out and my barred holland for the time being to help up the blue egg layers for next year. Ill have to get a pic of his comb and wattles just to show how nuts they have become.

Cant wait to see him
just wanted to show you guys! i was worried...well kind of upset my girl was laying green eggs. i was hoping to have blue but the green were still pretty. anyway i wanted to show you a pic! the egg on the left is her first egg and the egg on the right is her 4th...her eggs are definitely getting blue!
Oh that's a bummer. These CL are tricky.

After posting last night I woke up feeling a little bummed I didn't hold back my favorite from the older juvies from processing, he was far from perfect but had good qualities but his barring was not as distinct as I like and he had white fluff at the base of his tail under his saddle feathers (How do we feel about this white under fluff, I assume that is a no no which is another reason for culling him).

I hope the 15week old doesn't have something wonky start showing up in the next few weeks. His tail is a little high but his comb is small and straight and color seems decent he also is long legged. What I dont like about this male and it just crossed my mind is that he is lacking the better barring my older males had on the wing. So that is a big bummer because I was hoping to keep that feature this year to bring it forward for next year but I culled the feature out for this year. I hope I don't go and regret that. Time will tell.

@ChicKat what did you try to work on this year with your CL? Any forward progress? Id love to see some pics if you would like to post them. By J comb I assume you mean where it curves around off the backside of the head.
Exactly -- the backs of their combs are making 45 and 90-degree angles. I lost chicks and chickens this year...and have really just spun my wheels. The goal was to begin working on tail angle and longer back -- but I really haven't even hatched any of those eggs. Which reminds me - I think I found a hidden nest and it is 105 out -- and the eggs from that hen aren't even fertile....ick. -- so everything is stalled until it will be time to set eggs again. Then I will be working on lower tails and longer backs.

It looks like im going to cull my male I selected for breeding because the youngster Im growing out now seems to be developing better. You never know really though. My male went from a decent comb and wattles to a huge monstrosity seemingly over night. I love his temperament though and though he is far more brown than Id like he is good sized with other good qualities. With all the trouble Ive been having getting started with this breed I may just hatch some offspring just to see how they are. I will probably put him with some EE's im growing out and my barred holland for the time being to help up the blue egg layers for next year. Ill have to get a pic of his comb and wattles just to show how nuts they have become.
Glad that you are keepiing with it. Maybe this heat has something to do with the size of the combs.?? Big comb to help dissipate the heat? JMO.

just wanted to show you guys! i was worried...well kind of upset my girl was laying green eggs. i was hoping to have blue but the green were still pretty. anyway i wanted to show you a pic! the egg on the left is her first egg and the egg on the right is her 4th...her eggs are definitely getting blue!
That IS a prettty shade of blue!
@ChicKat what did you try to work on this year with your CL? Any forward progress? Id love to see some pics if you would like to post them. By J comb I assume you mean where it curves around off the backside of the head.
Here are some picts of my poor little ugly guys:

Everyone has open mouth and panting ...and today it is 109 with heat idex of 123 according to my weather station. The guy on the far right looks so gawky and awkward..and he had a brother of the same parentage that I grew out. I was making fun of the legginess -- and yet that brother was one who made the weights according to SOP -- he is a bit larger than the other two there who have diffeent parentage (same rooster, different hens)--- So that leggy appearance at this age -- for my flock means that he would probably pass the cockerel 6-pounds of the SOP -- but he probably will be butchered next week.

Here's a hot hen running past...this is 'Lady Spurs' as Dr. ETD once called her - she is mother of the two smaller cockerels. Real name "Me(d)Cre" - she has really bleached her crest this summer...

...and here is another hot pullet -

She is back there panting behind my panting Isbar in foreground...but you can see she has nice salmon going on. She is 3/4 Robin's genetics.......
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Aw they aren't ugly.

The top 2 males have nice earlobes! I don't mind the leggy look, some of mine have that too and they eventually grow into there legs. The ladies look nice too, I like the lightness of the first hen, and you are right, the pullets salmon breast is very vibrant.

I hope you guys stay cool in that crazy heat. I wouldnt make it in those temps lol, though years ago I did live in OK and TX. I think I will always prefer NH though. Here in NH we have been averaging in the 80's, perfect temps for us.
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Aw they aren't ugly.

The top 2 males have nice earlobes! I don't mind the leggy look, some of mine have that 2 and they eventually grow into there legs. The ladies look nice too, I like the lightness of the first hen, and you are right, the pullets salmon breast is very vibrant.

I hope you guys stay cool in that crazy heat. I wouldnt make it in those temps lol, though years ago I did live in OK and TX. I think I will always prefer NH though. Here in NH we have been averaging in the 80's, perfect temps for us.

I've been pleased with how well my girls (now 15 weeks old) have been handling the heat here (many 100F+ days in a row). Some mild panting, but eating well.

Coloring comment, but not about SOP, etc. You know what I have found unexpectedly appealing? While I was watching them scratch around on the ground under a tree (chicken prozac), I realized that with their coloring, I think they are some of best camouflaged of almost all the birds I've seen, at least in my yard - I have to be pretty close to pick them out from the grass and dirt. Combined with their good/appropriate response to hawks or other threats (alert, run to safety), there's hope for free ranging them some (once I get my property fenced)... I'm loving this breed so far.

Here are some CCL Camo photos - there are three chickens in the first two photos. There's also a shot of Clarissa at 14 weeks (just because it's the first time I've gotten her to stand still). She has the best "hair" of the three...

- Ant Farm
Aw they aren't ugly.

The top 2 males have nice earlobes! I don't mind the leggy look, some of mine have that 2 and they eventually grow into there legs. The ladies look nice too, I like the lightness of the first hen, and you are right, the pullets salmon breast is very vibrant.

I hope you guys stay cool in that crazy heat. I wouldnt make it in those temps lol, though years ago I did live in OK and TX. I think I will always prefer NH though. Here in NH we have been averaging in the 80's, perfect temps for us.
LOL -- in the 80's I would have to put on a sweater. it depends on what you get used to. Thank heavens my chickens are taking it (the heat) thus far...and I think today 's the worst. (I hope).

You are sweet to day that my boys aren't ugly....but this year, as I may have said -- there have been no "keepers' for one or another reason. These guys look particularly scruffy -- maybe because it is 109 and they really are at that awkward phase....they make all my other roosters look stellar! I'm so glad no keepers in the grow outs - because I have 3 adult CL males here right now -- and wish I could have only one and a grow out. It does keep the pairings easy and small though. They all need to go. Oh yes, the leggy one here -- if he grews like his brother did became splendid type-wise -- he really looked good (excpet tail too high) -- he had the big chest etc. - filled out and grew into his legs -- etc. but he had a disposition problem, so now he is a pelt.

all the adult roosters have straight combs -- go figure on that one. They must get the curly combs from their mothers.
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