Crochet "Chat"

I haven't joined the granny square swap because it is such a busy time of year with harvesting and canning and just playing outside before winter hits. Should do a swap in Jan/Feb when we're suffering from cabin fever!

I can do mine while watching Jeopardy. If I do a round of each square I can get them done in a couple of weeks. This swaps square is circles in squares. A new granny for me and I like it. Easy to do. I did all the gold one night, all the light green, then next and so on. The next squares are 12" and two rounds of each color. I've got lots of yarn to use up.

I like to do it while watching TV then I don't feel like I've wasted an hour. Crochet is good for mental health did you know?

that's why I like the granny squares. You can make lots of them and then one day put them together. Crocheting them together goes by fast. It's relaxing to do while watching the boob tube.

The nice part about my around the world style afghan is that I have been (had been anyway) assembling each round as I go. I hate having to sew it all together at the end of things. I'll get it out and take a picture sometime soon. Maybe it'll get me inspired to do some squares. I found the crochet magazine with the instructions for them the other day. I wasn't sure where it was after all these years, haha. OOPS! Here is my test chicken. I did this with scrap acrylic, and now I have to start one in cotton. I got a bunch of peaches and cream yarn in cuter colors. I have not done too much in cotton, so I hope it is easy to work with.

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The nice part about my around the world style afghan is that I have been (had been anyway) assembling each round as I go. I hate having to sew it all together at the end of things. I'll get it out and take a picture sometime soon. Maybe it'll get me inspired to do some squares. I found the crochet magazine with the instructions for them the other day. I wasn't sure where it was after all these years, haha. OOPS! Here is my test chicken. I did this with scrap acrylic, and now I have to start one in cotton. I got a bunch of peaches and cream yarn in cuter colors. I have not done too much in cotton, so I hope it is easy to work with.

I like it but have yet to get the pattern. These types of things are easy and make nice gifts or for donating to a cause to sell. They're cheap usually and everyone needs more pot holders.
Let me know if you want me to send ya the pattern. It was an "E Pattern" but I figured out how to print it out at my parent's house. They have a printer, we don't. I am not sure there is a way to email it, but I could snail mail it no problem.

I tried to get another pattern but let me see if I can get the E pattern .

I don't have the one I really wanted but I do have the Speckled one. I just didn't know where to find it on this computer.

It's very tiring trying to figure all this stuff out.
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I can do mine while watching Jeopardy. If I do a round of each square I can get them done in a couple of weeks. This swaps square is circles in squares. A new granny for me and I like it. Easy to do. I did all the gold one night, all the light green, then next and so on. The next squares are 12" and two rounds of each color. I've got lots of yarn to use up.

I like to do it while watching TV then I don't feel like I've wasted an hour. Crochet is good for mental health did you know?

Funny right after I posted about not having time right now I got the urge to dig out all of my Peaches & Cream cotton yarn and make dishcloths on a long car trip.
I made up two without a pattern and then printed patterns when I got home and made two more. Working on the 5th. My favorite times to crochet are while watching TV and while riding in the car. I feel like I'm wasting time if I'm not working on something while watching TV. I agree that crochet is like therapy. I guess I just tend to do more of it in the winter when things aren't so busy. I need to put down the dishcloths and work in the ends on that shawl and finish those baby blankets that were due months ago!
Funny right after I posted about not having time right now I got the urge to dig out all of my Peaches & Cream cotton yarn and make dishcloths on a long car trip.
I made up two without a pattern and then printed patterns when I got home and made two more. Working on the 5th. My favorite times to crochet are while watching TV and while riding in the car. I feel like I'm wasting time if I'm not working on something while watching TV. I agree that crochet is like therapy. I guess I just tend to do more of it in the winter when things aren't so busy. I need to put down the dishcloths and work in the ends on that shawl and finish those baby blankets that were due months ago!

I like to do it too while watching TV and waiting in the doc office for DW. I'd been taking old English Garden magazines and reading them and then leaving them behind. IMO doctors offices need to have a better supply of magazines.

For heavens sake it's a cancer place, you'd think they'd have more uplifting and encouraging reading material. Not Time or whatever with all the bad news in it!

Anyhow those dish cloths make great gifts.

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