Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good morning everybody! Back in for another cup of coffee. All the critters are fed and happy.

That's an exciting option. Will it actually regenerate damaged parts of his spine?
Mercy! Prayers for your safety!!! 🙏 Fires are terrifying! So happy to be in a rain forest now.
We are building it. I say we, but really DH. He has already started designing it after a few I have seen on BYC. 8x10 with a large secure run to go with. They will still semi-free range in the orchard during the day.

Happy Friday everyone! Like Sean always says, let's make it a great day!
Of course my coop will be the main inspiration! :lau
Hey Meg try the tomatillo's and roma's but blend them smoked paprika adds great flavor also
Going to have to say goodnight early out tomorrow to get our own car back..
We hate the rental but have to take boxes and two birds in to auction to get rid of them

Do these items belong to your enchilada recipe or is this something different?
Since this thread involves coffee, might be a good place to share this pic I took today.
We went to our favorite coffee shop this morning, Signet Coffee Roasters in Pitttsburg KS. They have planted coffee beans in big pots and this 'tree' is taller than me....
View attachment 2015335
It has beans!
View attachment 2015334
When they are roasting beans, the smell there is heavenly.👼
Beautiful, Sue! Thanks for sharing. Will they be able to harvest and use the beans?
I just got a new bread book. Going to have to give it a go this next week.

Today's too busy. Cleaning day and have to pay the bills. So much fun! I'm sure you'll all be jealous of my big plans for the day. :lau

Don't forget to share any recipes you like over on the Home Baker's thread!

Since this thread involves coffee, might be a good place to share this pic I took today.
We went to our favorite coffee shop this morning, Signet Coffee Roasters in Pitttsburg KS. They have planted coffee beans in big pots and this 'tree' is taller than me....
View attachment 2015335
It has beans!
View attachment 2015334
When they are roasting beans, the smell there is heavenly.👼

Sue, do you get over into KS often? I lived there for many years, up in the NE part.
This is good news :p I'm sure you know it's not just from eating cat, but others may not. Mad cow disease is a form of CJD.
BSE is mad cow disease, and it's caused by the same infectious particles as CJD, so if you eat the beef with the particles, you can get variant CJD. Classical CJD is more common, which can be either genetic or sporadic. The former speaker of the Utah State House of Representatives died of CJD several years ago.

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