Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Good morning everybody! Back in for another cup of coffee. All the critters are fed and happy.

That's an exciting option. Will it actually regenerate damaged parts of his spine?
Mercy! Prayers for your safety!!! šŸ™ Fires are terrifying! So happy to be in a rain forest now.
We are building it. I say we, but really DH. He has already started designing it after a few I have seen on BYC. 8x10 with a large secure run to go with. They will still semi-free range in the orchard during the day.

Happy Friday everyone! Like Sean always says, let's make it a great day!
They have had good results with growing damaged cartilage back between discs.
It was and it's definitely not the typical light hearted "coffee shop" conversation (sorry if I disrupted the vibe for anyone!) but I'm just grateful I still have the ol' grump around to give me trouble when I'm trying to photograph his artwork. lol
You are not disrupting anything! We want to know what's going on with you!

Mostly, we are glad you have the old grump around to give you trouble, because that's not our job!!! :lau
Good Morning Everyone!! Look at that ...we have a whole brand new month rolled out ahead of us!! :celebrate Here's hoping it's a great one for all of you and yours! Happy weekend....
Coffee is on the stove.ā˜•....and blueberry muffins (and cupcakes if any are left) do help yourselves.
Coffee getting low....I'll put some more on....can't have Sour coming by and finding an empty pot!!! Help yourselves!:caf
Good morning! The coffee is brewing
morning coffee.gif
and we're cooking up some eggs on toast with tomato and avocado this morning!
egg fry.gif

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