Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

That looks delicious! What is in it? I see broccoli and maybe chicken and sunflower seeds?

My young roosters are amusing themselves by breaking off one another's tail feathers. Silly little goofs look so bizarre with bob tails. I hatched 4 SDW cockerels this past summer They are cute as cute can be and would be gorgeous if they would just let their tails grow out.

One of the littler of the 4 killed himself a baby mouse tonight! I was so proud of him. I'm sure the mouse wasn't thrilled but after dispatching it, he gave it to one of the Fayoumi hens.

Hope blooms eternal.
Yes. Broccoli, chicken, yellow bell, zucchini and a white sauce with parmesan, jack cheese sprinkled on top. Easy dish and really so good!

You are doing better than I am with the cockerels. I had to separate mine and give each their own coop and pen. Luckily only two to deal with here. :D
Good morning folks. I found an industrial sized coffee urn for brewing with this morning.
Bella opened the bedroom door again and let the cat in just after 5. So my plans for sleeping in were doused when I woke up to Mogwai licking the flesh off my palm.
The coffee is just about done. Help yourselves.
Good morning! I stopped getting notifications here for some reason. So grateful for that cup of coffee to get me going this morning!
morning coffee.gif
Good morning Everyone! Thanks for the coffee DL! We had a dusting of snow last night. 31 out now. I'll have to change out the water dishes at dawn. I also like to take out warm buttermilk for them when it's this cold. :D
31 is cold? Around here at this time of year, that is considered warm!
Good morning everyone. Industrial sized coffee pots? OOOOOOOOOO can I have some please?

Sun is shining here. Birds think it's spring..49 degrees today but then here comes winter back again with freezing drizzle and snow the next three days.

As for roosters, the Higher Power must know I like them because he gives me so many of them.

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