Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

The Cat interrupting sleep is one reason why I keep them out of the bedroom ant night!
Yes. That is why we close the bedroom door. The cat walks across our faces in the night. Bella doesn't take these things into consideration when she lets her cat in the bedroom.
Heating up some water to make more tea right now! I have honey from my friend's honey bees and milk from a local dairy for those who like milk and honey in their tea! (especially with all these germs going around)

I have a bunch of projects going on in my backyard in anticipation for spring. I'm so accustomed to being able to do everything with my hubby that this has been a big change of pace. I hired a couple people, one to do some plumbing and run a sprinkler line out to my fruit trees! So far he has been amazing! I also hired someone to rebuild my raised bed garden out of block because termites destroyed the one my husband built (my fault for insisting on untreated wood for the veggie garden)...well, I think I may have gotten my first taste of a dishonest and unreliable handyman...😩
I'll have a cup of that tea please CluckNDoodle. Milk if it's fresh. I've got my own honey from the bees here.
There are these obnoxious kids that hot rod around the fields on dirt bikes where I run the dogs. They rarely have any consideration for the dogs or people walking in the fields.
Bella had never seen them before today. They are ever so much fun to chase! I could hear the kids yelling out, "Hey! Stop it"
She is just testing her speed against them. It's hilarious!
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There are these obnoxious kids that hot rod around the fields where I run the dogs. They rarely have any consideration for the dogs or people walking in the fields.
Bella had never seen them before today. They are ever so much fun to chase! I could hear the kids yelling out, "Hey! Stop it"
She is just testing her speed against them. It's hilarious!
There was a guy in a big white pickup that used to hot rod around woodland-- nearly crashing into pedestrians and cyclists and etc.

Saturday night he crashed into a sound wall and killed the passenger. The driver was rushed to the local trauma hospital in Sacramento with crush injuries.

It is sad but at the same time, it is a bit safer on the streets here today!
I'm afraid that will happen here if we have a heavy snow. My netting has 1" openings so I'm hoping the snow will fall through it. So far, with the light dustings, that is what has happened. :fl
I have 4 small tied nets that are about 5 years old and stand up anything that the weather throws at them. My deer netting is pretty durable also. What self destructed is some two year old clear netting that I bought directly from China. It was sun rotted last year and I knew it was on it's last legs but evidently it had one foot on that old banana peel.

I have a new deer net coming hopefully today or tomorrow to replace it. I put a gate in the opening between the two runs. The Fayoumi hens' weren't too happy with it. I told them it was tough being them. I'm sure they will appreciate that gate when the cockerels and roosters are moved into that run this month.

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