Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

She pretty much claimed dibs on the cat as soon as she laid eyes on her. :rolleyes:

I wish our young cattle dogs would love our cats. Ain't gonna happen. But then I blame the Amish people for the 'eat the kitty' behavior that was set in them by feeding them small game and kid goats when they were just 3 months old or younger. No joke. Those who have been on the Old Folks Home thread know the story.

After two cats being injured we gave up trying to break that behavior and now keep them separated. Unfortunately our cats are just complete idiots, tho. The cattle dogs are in their outside fenced in back yard with a doggy door in my utility room and a see through barricade separating the utility room from the kitchen when they aren't in the house with us. When they are in the house, the cats are upstairs.

Stupid stupid stupid cats will see how close they can get to the young dogs before the dogs go completely psycho. It's like they have death wishes.

Only one of our 7 dogs loves cats and she has a little grey kitty that is her soul mate. So much fun to watch them together. Our first cattle dog loved cats. He would play and wrestle with our biggest 19 pound tom cat. Sure do miss that dog.
Heating up some water to make more tea right now! I have honey from my friend's honey bees and milk from a local dairy for those who like milk and honey in their tea! (especially with all these germs going around)

I have a bunch of projects going on in my backyard in anticipation for spring. I'm so accustomed to being able to do everything with my hubby that this has been a big change of pace. I hired a couple people, one to do some plumbing and run a sprinkler line out to my fruit trees! So far he has been amazing! I also hired someone to rebuild my raised bed garden out of block because termites destroyed the one my husband built (my fault for insisting on untreated wood for the veggie garden)...well, I think I may have gotten my first taste of a dishonest and unreliable handyman...😩
I'll have some Good Earth. It's already naturally sweet, so no honey needed, thanks!

I wish I could find a handyman around here...even a bad one. :lol:
There was a guy in a big white pickup that used to hot rod around woodland-- nearly crashing into pedestrians and cyclists and etc.

Saturday night he crashed into a sound wall and killed the passenger. The driver was rushed to the local trauma hospital in Sacramento with crush injuries.

It is sad but at the same time, it is a bit safer on the streets here today!
That is sad!!! I'm sure glad he didn't run over a cyclist or dog!!! We had some hot rodders around here too, although on our cobblestone road that means 35 mph. :rolleyes: Still, with all the twists and turns and local hand fed deer, it upsets some of the folks. Last year a sheriff moved in and one kid got a ticket for going 63 on the paved road. :lol: That cooled their heels!
Wait a minute...don't happy cows come from California?
NO. Just NO. Okay, I wont say there are no happy cows in CA, but the happy ones in the ads are not. I just could not believe all the happy cows I saw when I visited Illinois and Wisconsin! And here in WA they are pretty happy too! One of my favorite views anywhere is cows wandering large pastures, grazing on grass and hay. Or just laying around chewing their cuds. Such graceful giants.

Now I'm going to get lectured on how stupid they are, I suppose. 😁
I wish our young cattle dogs would love our cats. Ain't gonna happen. But then I blame the Amish people for the 'eat the kitty' behavior that was set in them by feeding them small game and kid goats when they were just 3 months old or younger. No joke. Those who have been on the Old Folks Home thread know the story.

After two cats being injured we gave up trying to break that behavior and now keep them separated. Unfortunately our cats are just complete idiots, tho. The cattle dogs are in their outside fenced in back yard with a doggy door in my utility room and a see through barricade separating the utility room from the kitchen when they aren't in the house with us. When they are in the house, the cats are upstairs.

Stupid stupid stupid cats will see how close they can get to the young dogs before the dogs go completely psycho. It's like they have death wishes.

Only one of our 7 dogs loves cats and she has a little grey kitty that is her soul mate. So much fun to watch them together. Our first cattle dog loved cats. He would play and wrestle with our biggest 19 pound tom cat. Sure do miss that dog.

Oh my goodness, they feed their dogs live cats and goats? :eek:
I wish our young cattle dogs would love our cats. Ain't gonna happen. But then I blame the Amish people for the 'eat the kitty' behavior that was set in them by feeding them small game and kid goats when they were just 3 months old or younger. No joke. Those who have been on the Old Folks Home thread know the story.

After two cats being injured we gave up trying to break that behavior and now keep them separated. Unfortunately our cats are just complete idiots, tho. The cattle dogs are in their outside fenced in back yard with a doggy door in my utility room and a see through barricade separating the utility room from the kitchen when they aren't in the house with us. When they are in the house, the cats are upstairs.

Stupid stupid stupid cats will see how close they can get to the young dogs before the dogs go completely psycho. It's like they have death wishes.

Only one of our 7 dogs loves cats and she has a little grey kitty that is her soul mate. So much fun to watch them together. Our first cattle dog loved cats. He would play and wrestle with our biggest 19 pound tom cat. Sure do miss that dog.
The dogs here kill cats.

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