Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

the testing I read about was a feather sexing process-- likely a color-- that can be seen in the egg towards the end of incubation. It only works on sex link crosses so is limited to commercial production

With this process, a live chick in a shell is still destroyed though

Not optimal.
The Amish, like all people, are a mix of good, bad, and indifferent. In the long run anyone who does not take care of their stock will not be able to make a living off of them. The Amish family family selling 5 pups for $ 25 when the guy down the road is getting $250 apiece will not be breeding dogs for long. The Amish man who overworks and underfeeds his mules will run out of stock to work his fields. When we make blanket decisions about a group of people we sell them and ourselves short.

It may be that the poster wasn't commenting on all the Amish but rather those individuals in particular. This is an imperfect medium for communication and meanings are sometimes lost.
It may be that the poster wasn't commenting on all the Amish but rather those individuals in particular. This is an imperfect medium for communication and meanings are sometimes lost.

That was fully understood on my part. IM and I know one another, and this was far from a judgement towards her - I reiterate that whenever we make blanket judgements about a group of people we are exhibiting prejudice.
No, I'm talking about personal experience. We bought our farm from an Amish couple. After walking our property for almost 5 years we estimate that we have found close to 10,000 dollars worth of animal remains.

True, there are good and bad in all people and trust me I am NOT prejudice against the Amish. I frequent their businesses, have some that I am cordial with but like everyone else, they are neither saints nor devils, just people trying to get by.

You just get a different perspective of things when you live among them and see them from an angle that is different than the way they are portrayed on TV.
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Just popping in with some enchiladas. We’ve been talking about them so I thought I’d share. Didn’t use either of the recipes we posted. :lol: went with the homemade sauce. So easy and I like it better.

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