Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

My husband and I don't like the very high humidity. Right now the weather is very good. It reminds me of San Diego weather.

I liked the humidity! It's bone dry here and it's no fun when your skin cracks.

don't forget the bugs!

The only bugs I didn't care for were the love bugs, the rest were ok. And the little tree frogs and lizards were fun!
I miss the San Diego weather!!! But not so much the Florida weather. Most of the time, I like the WA weather. I like having showers come through nearly every day, keeping things watered and green. But January was ridiculous, and February is starting out no better!
Val, I grew up in San Diego. I just got back from my trip to visit Mission Bay. I took the train from Central Cal. how fun!
I loved the weather in southern California, I can't handle the heat in the summer with the high humidity, it's like living in a sauna but the winters are mild and enjoyable. We're expecting heavy storms today, fingers crossed we don't lose power because I have a couple incubators running!
I loved the weather in southern California, I can't handle the heat in the summer with the high humidity, it's like living in a sauna but the winters are mild and enjoyable. We're expecting heavy storms today, fingers crossed we don't lose power because I have a couple incubators running!

What are you hatching? Hope your power stays on!
I loved the weather in southern California, I can't handle the heat in the summer with the high humidity, it's like living in a sauna but the winters are mild and enjoyable. We're expecting heavy storms today, fingers crossed we don't lose power because I have a couple incubators running!
My time in Atlanta was like a sauna, right off the plane

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