Debate on food, free range and egg quality...

That sized run will become dirt soon enough. Chickens scratch and will kill the plants in enclosed runs of any reasonable size. Generally, pastured chickens supplement their feed with plants/bugs/etc. It definitely does help the quality of the eggs.

The feed is a good base as it is generally good about providing balanced nutrition to make up for any imbalances in the pasture food. Also, I can tell you from personal experience that you are in a location where the feed will be 90% of their food in the winter.

FYI- Consider using dead leaves instead of wood mulch. Just collect them in the fall and store in bags. They are much easier on chicken feet and they love digging around in it and it gets broken down (along with chicken poo) into an excellent compost you can use in the spring.
Thank you for explaining about using leaves! I was just getting ready to post the same thing. And yes, they will need feed. Maybe the wife would be happy if she could find a local feed mill where all of the ingredients were locally sourced? I use my local mill and really have great results for my flock.
You will need to feed them, modern chickens are more meaty and productive, therfore require more feed than yesteryear. The best eggs come from good feed. Chickens don't really eat grass, so pasture raising really make no difference. That term doesnt even have a standard to the usda. Where are you doing your research? Everything ypuve said has a "egg plant/ chicken blog hype" feel to it.
I agree with the feed statement. You need to find good quality feed, but my chickens DO eat grass. Their run is about a quarter of an acre for 12-18 birds but they have nothing but weeds in there since they've eaten it all. They wait eagerly to be let out on the lawn where they eat grass, dandylion, plantain and clover ( all chemical & fertilizer free). If you put them in a small area with grass it will be eaten down to the roots quickly so I let them run for about an our a day if possible all over the lawn. They are supervised to keep them out of gardens and to protect from predators. Great opportunity to check on bird health while you watch and work nearby. Lawn looks great too! (organic fertilizer)

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