Detached air cell?


Dec 28, 2020
I have two geese eggs that were shipped, I’ve candled them both and I think they both have detached air cells, I can see 1 large bubble in both eggs in the fat end but they only roll around at the top?
How long ago did you get them? When I get eggs shipped in I put them in a carton pointy side down for 1-2 days. I'm not sure if an air cell will reattach or not.

I just had eggs shipped and 1 of them the air cell was not attached and it did NOT progress.
I got them 4 days ago and the were 1 day old eggs, I put them upright too for 12 hours fat end up, the air cell doesn’t roll around the whole egg just slightly around the top so I’m hoping it’s not fully detached
Yes they are in and on day 3 I kept them upright for the 1st day now they are at a 45 degree angle, any more and I think the air cell will be under too much stress, I think I’ll keep them like this until lockdown and then see if they can be laid down, if not I guess I’ll have to see if they can hatch ok at that angle
As long as they aren't scrambled and they start to develop I don't usually have too much issue with jiggly air cells because they stay at the rounded end of the egg and will sometimes even correct themselves as the chick/gosling develops. Fully detached air cells on the other hand have been an issue but it doesn't sound like that's what you're contending with.
Thank you fingers crossed! Has anyone had such with hatching upright? Do they absolutely need to be laying down?
Thank you fingers crossed! Has anyone had such with hatching upright? Do they absolutely need to be laying down?

Goose eggs don't seem to do as well incubating upright in general so I only did it when the air cell was completely detached. The completely detached air cell was like a bubble floating around the egg. It ended up not developing anyway. So while I'm sure it can be done I haven't had any success with upright incubation with geese.
Will they do better at the 45 degree angle? I’m too scared at this point to lay them down just incase the air cell detaches from the fat end
Will they do better at the 45 degree angle? I’m too scared at this point to lay them down just incase the air cell detaches from the fat end

I can't answer that question because I've never tried it myself. :hmm Sometimes we just have to do what seems right for the situation and hope for the best! Shipping can be very hard on eggs but most of all for large eggs like goose eggs. Once you have a gosling developing there will be less threat of the air cell moving and it may even reattach itself. You can decide once that happens whether you want to lay it down or not and just keep it at an angle for now. Are you still turning the egg throughout the day?

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