Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

I use unrefined organic coconut oil as a GREAT dewormer. It kills all internal/external parasites when the coconut oil breaks down in the body to luric acid. Its also a great booster of egg production, and a good source of fats. I also put apple cider vinegar in their water which boosts the acidity of their blood which also helps prevent internal, and external parasites in/on your chickens. Apple cider vinegar in water is also a great immune booster. Apple cider vinegar has antibiotic, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties which also helps with their health. It's also a booster of egg production. I use these products with GREAT success, and its cost friendly, and safer for your chickens, and organic safe for your meat, and eggs.
I use this on my teeth and it works as an anti-bacterial. Interesting idea!
Forget I said anything. Everytime I share something on here that has worked for my chickens I always get people who want to contradict what I shared, and try to prove me wrong. I guess there are people on here that want to be the only one's giving advice, and being the only one's that know things about chickens. Sorry for trying to share. Do your own research, and figure it out for yourselves.
I apologize if I offended you. :hugs

I just thought you might have a link available. I don't have the best internet service being in a hollow and next to high power lines.

I did find this
I am skeptical about any wholistic natural medicinal product. If it was really effective then it would be widely known and the pharmacological world would not have bothered to synthesize a drug. To convince me requires some sort of proof.
I have an oregano patch in my front yard that the free range chickens have full access to. They love to nip at it and Indo is actually protective of it. Although I’ve never seen direct evidence of internal parasites except for cocci, the fact that that the ivermectin usage have lead to a dramatic weight increase across all my birds makes me think they have in fact had parasites and the oregano wasn’t doing much for them.
I am skeptical about any wholistic natural medicinal product. If it was really effective then it would be widely known and the pharmacological world would not have bothered to synthesize a drug. To convince me requires some sort of proof.
I think this is a bit naïve. Vinegar is a good cheap cleaner of most things, but companies make and sell chemicals that they claim do a better job, for which they charge a much higher price of course. Often the end result is not better than vinegar achieves.
I would guess the truth of how well holistic remedies work is somewhere in the middle and probably depends on specific aliments and conditions. I’m skeptical that oregano is a cure all wormer. Neither I would I be surprised that it was effective for some conditions or parasites. Take garlic. For humans garlic has antibiotic properties. It might be a good immune booster to make the difference between fighting off a mild infection before it takes hold or not. Yet if I get gangrene I’m not going to depend on garlic’s antibiotic properties to wipe it out.

Much may depend on how well the holistic remedies give extra nutrients to the birds they may lack otherwise that helps their immune systems work.

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