Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

Loved the video update. It helps me remember which rooster is which. Very busy spring hatching you have going on, I love it, very exciting stuff bullfrog.

I was watching some David the good videos the other day and I recalled that you were writing a book about raising chickens. How is that going, any updates?
Loved the video update. It helps me remember which rooster is which. Very busy spring hatching you have going on, I love it, very exciting stuff bullfrog.

I was watching some David the good videos the other day and I recalled that you were writing a book about raising chickens. How is that going, any updates?
I got to get it done. Maybe this weekend. I’m at around 75k words. I figure it will take another 10k to finish it up.

The book won’t be anything new to most of you following the thread. Its aimed at the person who doesn’t know that chickens can be successfully free ranged in high predator environments if the person focuses on birds with the right genetic background.
I'm at 85k words now but still owe more to cover the last part of the book. I could possibly get it knocked out tonight but the family is demanding I step away from the computer. So close, yet so far away.

I am learning that "just 10k more words" and "I'll get done this week" are the writer's equivalent of my grandfather's "I'll be at the house in 20 minutes" when he thought he was going to be done with a project and ended up working for hours more until dark.
I'm at 85k words now but still owe more to cover the last part of the book. I could possibly get it knocked out tonight but the family is demanding I step away from the computer. So close, yet so far away.

I am learning that "just 10k more words" and "I'll get done this week" are the writer's equivalent of my grandfather's "I'll be at the house in 20 minutes" when he thought he was going to be done with a project and ended up working for hours more until dark.
Can not wait!

One in every 12 or so terrorfowl off the Azog breedings are coming out chipmunk colored. I have 3 so far, third one hatched tonight. On the hens’ side, the aseel component was BBR so maybe that’s where its coming from.

These next two Azog x Fayoumi/Hatch. There are 4 so far. 2 are blondish, 2 are black and chocolate.

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