Did anyone else get that email survey this morning about an hour ago?

Ditto, marketing flaw, backfired. I'm switching too. I don't use flock raiser but I've bought Purina. Didn't know they were sponsoring using these ways

Yeah, I got about half way thru it, but when asked what my primary feed was, I answered Purina Flock Raiser. When I hit the continue button, it told me I didn't qualify. They figure they're already getting my money, so why send me free stuff? 

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I got the email and clicked on "take the survey now" and was told I didn't qualify before I ever answered a single question. I guess I wasn't holding my mouse right. How can I not qualify if I haven't entered any information?
Thanks for taking the time to look into this. This site is one of the few on my trusted sites and it feels good to know real people are working on finding out answers. Thanks again!
Hey everybody, thank you VERY much for the great feedback!! We're digging into this very closely to figure out what's going on! Some background: We've worked with Purina for many years and they are a great supporter of our work here on BYC. Without sponsors and advertisers we wouldn't be able to offer these great resources for free to millions of people (it's SUPER expensive to run a site this big). You'll notice that not all the ads on BYC are chicken related... that's because it's SUPER hard to find enough sponsors interested in advertising chicken related products. That being the case, when we finally do find companies with products that match our site, we are extra happy to have them on board. They came to us with a great offer. They want to understand peeps more to serve them better. They offered a free bag of feed to anyone who filled out the survey. We asked for specifics on who did and didn't qualify (since I hate the ol' bait-n-switch "you could be a winner" type of stuff as much as anybody) and here is what I was told: So, if y'all meet the criteria, filled out the survey, and didn't get a coupon for a free bag, then I can promise that I'm just as upset as you... if not more so because I work SUPER hard to maintain this great community every day! Again, we're digging into this to figure out what's going on and will update y'all as we find out more info. Thanks for your patience and support as we work through this!!! :hugs UPDATE 1: Let me clarify: This is [COLOR=FF0000]not[/COLOR] a spam, spoof, scam, etc. This was a planned email from a very legitimate company (Purina). As I mentioned in this post, we thought pretty much all our members would qualify for the free bag, which is the only reason that we agreed to it. We care deeply for this community and are extremely careful with this kind of thing. My guess is that this is probably a glitch with the way they did the survey. When I click the link I'm simply taken to this page: It looks like Purina, or the company they are working with, simply didn't code the survey properly. Again, we're looking into it and will keep y'all posted. UPDATE 2: We found out that they had a limit on the number of people that could take the survey. They didn't expect the response to be so huge (so, great job everyone!) and so anybody who clicked on the link AFTER the limit would get the notice like the one pictured above. I also learned that here were also some questions that would disqualify someone from receiving the coupon, like if you were under 18, didn't have chickens, had over 200 chickens, already buy feed in bulk, etc. I'm very upset that these requirements weren't posted in the email and also in the first page of the survey!
I got the survey yesterday, in my email, not from BYC. I pretty much realized it was Purina. Told them I use Layena, answered the questions, qualified, and am expecting a coupon in a few weeks. At the end they thanked me for being a Purina Poultry Club member. I thought it was upfront with the qualifications. They told you in the first few questions.
I tried to share the link with a few of my chicken friends, and they all got notices that the link was for 1 person only.
I tried to share the BYC link as well today, and got a notice that they had gotten all the responses they needed, and thanks.

Seems like Purina would do well to send the coupons to all who completed the survey, dock the marketing rep's pay to cover the cost; and offer up an apology for not including the `fine print' when pitching this to Nifty (at least the card on which is glued the plastic key to your new FREE automobile, at the local dealership, includes, on the back of card, all of the ways & reasons you most assuredly WONT get that car - but, hey, drive, drag or tow your current wreck on in!!!).

Have seen more competent examples of marketing strolling Troost Ave., in KCMO at 2AM, on my way home from UMKC..

Chief Poultry Nutritionist at Purina, Dr.Erin Venable, knows her amino acid profiles by heart - talked with her at some length about lab vs. commercial diet formulation in re: Game Bird Chow; However, once bagged and tagged? Marketeers....
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I wont use nor do I want a coupon from Purina BUT if they were smart they would give everyone the coupon, It chocks up some points! They are huge and a few bags of feed wont even be noticed within the companies bottom line and many would just convert because they just want feed. Cost recouped quickly. advertising needs to be positive and the 50 coupons they gave will not offset the 200 that are mad. Im not and dont care but its my opinion. I look at this from a business standpoint and I do marketing at higher levels. I have a website and my own products I invented and market.

Purina is way to big to care much about this hiccup. it will pass but they should take advantage of it.
Well guess I am glad it wasn't a scam or glitch and glad to hear some people did end up getting the coupon, congrats to those very few and thanks for posting on here as I was curious if anyone actually did. Sucks they had to make that many people angry though, kinda think it was the way they worded it in that they got you excited to get the coupon just to flip you the bird after you got your hopes up. But oh well, we will get over it. And I do LOVE this site. I forgive you BYC!

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