Do chicks need the heat lamp constantly?

Good. So I'm done fretting over the heat issue. I used a 250W heat lamp at first, which was way too hot for them. They hated 95 F and were panting in the corners, so I switched to a 60W incandescent, which maintains 70 F in the brooder (with blankets on top) when it's 59 F outside. My chicks are about 2.5 weeks old and not huddled up; just milling around chirping contentedly and playing on the ladder perch I made. They're growing very quickly and have hearty appetites. So 70 it is, even though they're not supposed to like it!
I always say it's better to watch the chicks than the thermometer. They're really obvious about how they feel.

Mine also didn't want anywhere near as much heat as I see recommended. I brood outdoors and there is a good bit of variance in spring weather here. My chicks experienced a range of 19 to 75F with wild swings being common. I learned quickly that the cool end of the brooder can be pretty darned cold and they really don't mind! They were all over the place in the chilliest of weather and I only needed 100W most of the time. I have a 175W bulb that I switched to if it was going to be below freezing. Once the wings were feathered (which took about a week), they started hiding from their lamp if it was 70F and sunny. So, I started unplugging their lamp on warm, sunny days and just plugging it back in at dusk. No complaints from the chicks. This batch feathered very fast, too. I had one nearly covered at three weeks, two more at four, and the slow-feathering Sussex was done by six.
I always say it's better to watch the chicks than the thermometer. They're really obvious about how they feel.

Mine also didn't want anywhere near as much heat as I see recommended. I brood outdoors and there is a good bit of variance in spring weather here. My chicks experienced a range of 19 to 75F with wild swings being common. I learned quickly that the cool end of the brooder can be pretty darned cold and they really don't mind! They were all over the place in the chilliest of weather and I only needed 100W most of the time. I have a 175W bulb that I switched to if it was going to be below freezing. Once the wings were feathered (which took about a week), they started hiding from their lamp if it was 70F and sunny. So, I started unplugging their lamp on warm, sunny days and just plugging it back in at dusk. No complaints from the chicks. This batch feathered very fast, too. I had one nearly covered at three weeks, two more at four, and the slow-feathering Sussex was done by six.

Old thread, but good input. My chicks are 2 weeks old and I pulled the plug on the EcoGlow. Room temp is steady at 70 this hot sticky summer. I just added 4 more day olds and have to plug it back in for them, but I plan to unplug it in a week. The little buggers are tougher than I give them credit for. I have to remind myself what they went through in the USPS to get here.
Oh I know! I've never raised them in the summer, so being able to shut it off after just a week was awesome!!! They are sleeping, I am sleeping. It's great!

Getting them in the spring we had to have the heat to them longer!

Mine are 2 weeks and 3 days from hatch and almost feathered out already! I don't think I will have any problems moving them to their coop as soon as the second coat of paint is on, dried, and aired out! Hopefully this week-end!

77 degrees inside the cabin here now!
Oh I know! I've never raised them in the summer, so being able to shut it off after just a week was awesome!!! They are sleeping, I am sleeping. It's great!

Getting them in the spring we had to have the heat to them longer!

Mine are 2 weeks and 3 days from hatch and almost feathered out already! I don't think I will have any problems moving them to their coop as soon as the second coat of paint is on, dried, and aired out! Hopefully this week-end!

77 degrees inside the cabin here now!
I raised ducks first week in April and had those sloppy feathered piggies inside for 4 weeks. I can't wait to put mine out soon. Good luck finishing up for this weekend! Be so nice to see them get fresh air!
I raised ducks first week in April and had those sloppy feathered piggies inside for 4 weeks. I can't wait to put mine out soon. Good luck finishing up for this weekend! Be so nice to see them get fresh air!
I know, my cabin is small and a huge mess!!! Thanks...this week-end is the plan...but with this rain...I just hope the paint sets up fast!!! I just fed mine a treat of boiled mashed eggs today and had to hand feed one some grit. I don't think she ate any when I put it out. She did fine as long as I was patient enough till she finally ate some...she was acting a bit funny and I think she had a stomach ache. She went back in with the flock and right to sleep with no more weird acting all is well!!! I started yelling "chickens" when I fill their feeder, clean out shavings, or now, give treats and chick grit, so hopefully it will imprint and when they free range, I can holler "chicken" and they will come running for their treat
and of course I will be standing IN THE COOP, or their run, when it is built
Hoping I can use this to get them inside, when I need them to be!!!!
I have one red hen who lays eggs for me. A friend of mine gave me a baby chic because someone brought it to her. Now I have the chick under lamp for four weeks now and it is doing well. When I moved in the red hen was already here and she is a sweetheart I love her to death. I care for her well. I got a rooster once and I didn't like how he treated my hen so we was given to someone else.
I have the heart lamp 24/7 doesn't it keep her/him from sleeping? How and when will I be able to tell if it is a layer? It is not a red chic it has golden stripes on it's wings. It looks like a brindle haired color. Isn't it cruel to leave in the box all of the time? I take it out a lot but still I work and go places. Penny (my red hen). Charges at her when I put her down near her. Will this stop? I'm planning on putting her in the coop with penny but don't know when I can do this? Like I said she is only four weeks old. Should I divide the coop with chicken wire so they can get used to each other's presence? Will penny ever accept the baby chic? Penny is about 31/2 and roams the property. She seems spoiled like she wants to be with me she jumps up to me. Does that mean she loves me? Please reply ASAP . I'm in Washington it's been getting down to 35 degrees at night. Is the chic going to be in my bedroom for a few months or can I put him out in coop now? The coop is lined with shavings on the bottom and on the outer edges I put hay on top of the shavings like under the bins and the post where they should roost.
Thanks a million if you plan on answering

Chic o dee:p
I have one red hen who lays eggs for me. A friend of mine gave me a baby chic because someone brought it to her. Now I have the chick under lamp for four weeks now and it is doing well. When I moved in the red hen was already here and she is a sweetheart I love her to death. I care for her well. I got a rooster once and I didn't like how he treated my hen so we was given to someone else.
I have the heart lamp 24/7 doesn't it keep her/him from sleeping? How and when will I be able to tell if it is a layer? It is not a red chic it has golden stripes on it's wings. It looks like a brindle haired color. Isn't it cruel to leave in the box all of the time? I take it out a lot but still I work and go places. Penny (my red hen). Charges at her when I put her down near her. Will this stop? I'm planning on putting her in the coop with penny but don't know when I can do this? Like I said she is only four weeks old. Should I divide the coop with chicken wire so they can get used to each other's presence? Will penny ever accept the baby chic? Penny is about 31/2 and roams the property. She seems spoiled like she wants to be with me she jumps up to me. Does that mean she loves me? Please reply ASAP . I'm in Washington it's been getting down to 35 degrees at night. Is the chic going to be in my bedroom for a few months or can I put him out in coop now? The coop is lined with shavings on the bottom and on the outer edges I put hay on top of the shavings like under the bins and the post where they should roost.
Thanks a million if you plan on answering

Chic o dee:p

Thats a lot of questions for one post but Ill try my best here.
1.No it will not keep her from sleeping. 2. the easiest way yo tell if its a layer or a roo is wait until it lays and egg or crows. 3.Its not cruel to leav it in the box. All chick owners have other things to do (work, school, outings, errands). 4.To introduce a new chicken you first need to wait until they are fully feathered (6-8 weeks i think). There are different ways to introduce a pullet to a hen. The way I do it is put my pullet in the fence next to my run every day until the basically ignor each other and then i stick the younger one in the coop at night and keep a close eye they next day to make sure the young one isnt getting pecked and tortured by the older one. If there is blood drawn, take you pullet out and keep her out until she is healed. 5. Penny may or may not accept the chick. That is up to Penny. 6. She probably is spoiled and she probably does like you for some reason or the other. 7. you need to wait for the chick to be fully feathered and about 8 weeks old I'd say in cold weather. Dont put it in the coop now.
Hope this helped.

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