Dog ate some layer pellet/scratch mix....


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
My male got into a bucket of feed that I was about to put in the chicken's feeder & ate about 2 or 3 cups worth of it before I saw (& screamed at) him. This should be interesting in a few hours as he "processes" it.

Ah, dogs. Anyone else ever have this happen?
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My papillons have eaten tons of chicken food. They lived. Look at it this way, its nutritious and right from the source! Probebly benefited her.
Yep. Our dogs eat everything. Right now their favorite is Equine Senior, but they love chicken feed, scratch and chicken poop.

I'm sure your dog will be fine. It will pass out one end or the other.
Yeah, he's fine...sleeping like a, well, dog. It's just interesting what eating big quantities of different foods does to his digestive system.
He was out in the yard taking care of business for a little longer than usual this last time, but all's well. They've eaten worse things.
I had a rescued GSD puppy(4-5 months old) eat 1/4 of a 5 gallon bucket of whole corn.... Um, yeah... There were "corn" piles all over the yard.
Mine seems to prefer it to dog food. Doesnt seem to hurt her unless she eats a ton of it which is quite often. She likes to regurgitate it and have it the second time. It doesnt bother me except that it happens in the house from time to tme. She is quickly becoming an outside or garage dog, unless I am right with her.

I guess the unproccesed grain takes a couple of efforts to be digestable. It sure doesnt seem to make her sick
Birdseed/scratch can be very irritating to a dog's digestive tract, and it's possible that it could make them pretty sick. All dogs are different, though. I had a Springer who ate tons of birdseed one day and didn't even burp. Depends on the dog. What one can tolerate, can make the next deathly ill. Best to avoid things like birdseed and chicken feed if you can (I know, they go out of their way to get into it
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