Duck eggs day 21 Air cell photos and Incubation pictures

So glad they are all doing well
Yes the high humidity from them all hatching causes it
Make sure to check all Nantes once a day for pasty butt
It happens often when that goo gets stuck on vent area
Out of the 11 at the schools one baby had it
We were able to get it cleared off and baby wasted no time having a poo
I do this with every hatch to be sure. Easy ti fix but deadly if missed
So glad they are all doing well
Yes the high humidity from them all hatching causes it
Make sure to check all Nantes once a day for pasty butt
It happens often when that goo gets stuck on vent area
Out of the 11 at the schools one baby had it
We were able to get it cleared off and baby wasted no time having a poo
I do this with every hatch to be sure. Easy ti fix but deadly if missed
I actually had 2 of the last ones to hatch with pasty butt and I cleaned them up but I’d better check the rest. Thanks for the reminder!

Do you guys think it would be a bad idea to leave the newest duckling in the incubator over night with another duckling to be a buddy? It’s slowly getting stronger but I think if I put it in the brooder it will get trampled and I also don’t want it to be lonely
I actually had 2 of the last ones to hatch with pasty butt and I cleaned them up but I’d better check the rest. Thanks for the reminder!

Do you guys think it would be a bad idea to leave the newest duckling in the incubator over night with another duckling to be a buddy? It’s slowly getting stronger but I think if I put it in the brooder it will get trampled and I also don’t want it to be lonely
I would Keep it in the bator for the night
I can’t wait to see all the pictures
I would Keep it in the bator for the night
I can’t wait to see all the pictures
I have the incubator running at 93 F and put some food and water in there. The last hatched duckling, “Div” is in there, plus “Speck”, the one that was all twisted and weak after hatching. Both of them are eating and drinking tiny amounts and I gave them both nutri drench and durvet Vitamin B complex. Speck is quite lively but a bit clumsy and dysfunctional.

P.S. their names are just silly nicknames that I called the eggs during incubation to keep track of them.
How are they doing this morning. If you can get the temp down more to at least 90-87 that would be better, ducklings really don't need that high of temp not like chicks.
How are they doing this morning. If you can get the temp down more to at least 90-87 that would be better, ducklings really don't need that high of temp not like chicks.
Oh dear, I hope it’s not too hot for them! I’ll lower the temperature. It’s still 3 AM here - I just checked them. They’re about the same. I’m a bit concerned that Speck may be partially blind
Your in Hawaii just noticed that. Sorry if I woke you. :oops:

When you are up give us reasons for Speck maybe partially blind.
No worries, I was already awake checking on the ducklings.

I lowered the temp to 90 now.

Reasons I’m concerned about Speck’s vision:
Yesterday one eye wasn’t fully open and his inner eyelid (I think?) was half over the eye.

He was scratching at his eyes right after he hatched.

Behavior: He freaks out easily and runs around when he gets scared, while the other ducklings are not afraid.
He often acts like he can’t quite find the water. Ex. Will sit by the water and peck the rim of the dish. But this could just be poor neck/heat control. Speck couldn’t lift his head, and kept twisting into a ball for hours after he hatched.

That being said, I just took pictures of his eyes and they look a lot more normal than yesterday.

Div is still scooting around, eating, drinking, and nibbling on things. Not a normal duckling yet, but a lot better than yesterday
Good to hear your seeing improvement . Sometimes they just need a bit of time. If you have Terramycin eye ointment you could always put a little around the eye lid if it is still sticking. Such sweet babies.

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