
Feb 26, 2018
We recently had a huge tragedy with our home made incubator, it somehow managed to reach a temp of 118º and with my 5 pekin embryos in it I was sure they were all dead. Once I saw the temp that high I instantly brought them to door and sat them outside in the cold temp (30º) for a few minutes to cool them down. Some how, some way, one of them managed to survive but I lost the other 4. I am not sure what to do now, I am keeping the one egg in the incubator still (and watching it closer than ever). I am crossing my fingers that this duckling is going to hatch but I am not sure. Has anyone had this happen before? Did your duckling or chick hatch? Will I have any birth defect?
IMHO, birth defects are mostly from prolonged low temperatures.
Obviously, this embryo is approaching hatch date. They can handle spikes better when they are older. In the first couple weeks, any temp well over 104 will kill them.
I know! It’s already a fighter! I’ll have to find a good name for this one. It will be my first duckling too. My chickens have hatched out my chicks as a breeze, they make it look so easy :rolleyes:

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