
  1. yesking808


    i know i usually don’t post on here often, but i need everyone’s help. as of today my chicken is panting. i know people say make sure there coop is well ventilated, fresh cold water and what not and more. my chicken has all of the above. and as i make this post, it is somewhat windy. i am also...
  2. C

    Raising birds on concrete roof?

    Hello everyone, First i would like to apologise if this is posted in the wrong section, i didnt know where else to post it. If you have any suggestions as to where i should move it, please do tell. Now onto the main topic. I raised about 8-10 chickens two years ago on my concrete roof. It didnt...
  3. H

    Duck with very hot beak and cold-ish legs?? Please help!

    Her beak has been very hot for the past few days. We believe it’s because it’s summer now, but the AC is always on and though it isn’t cool during the mornings, it’s fine at night. However, her beak is ALMOST ALWAYS hot even during nighttime. She’s panting and her beak is hot, to the point it’s...
  4. Aprilxoxo

    skinny and hot turkey

    hi guys my turkey has been displaying signs of heat stress. dropped wings and panting and sleepiness over the last 2 weeks. It hasn't been overly hot and the other birds aren't acting the same. i gave her a fan and a nice shaded area to hang out in. but on a really cool day she was still doing...
  5. Hball

    Ancona Duck with yellowing of eyes and bumblefoot

    Help! I got an Ancona female a couple weeks ago and just noticed today she has bumblefoot, so I am treating and she is in a dog kennel on dry straw inside the duck run. I’ve noticed since I’ve got her that the white of her eyes are yellow. Is this normal with this breed? She still acts the same...
  6. B

    Hot weather, no freezing...watering cups or nipples?

    Aloha, We live on the Big Island of Hawaii where it is hot and never freezes. I've read a lot of threads about watering cups vs nipples and it seems most recommend the nipples. It seems that the recommendation is because cups eventually get dirty, but mainly because cups can freeze during the...
  7. New Chick In The Backyard

    Are my hens going to trust me after heavily misting them with water? Do i continue?

    It is 95 degrees outside and my chickens are struggling. They come out of the coop and hide underneath it all day. It may be a little cooler underneath there but there is shade in other places. They wouldn't even eat the cold fruit I threw out to them and they normally do. I gave them ice water...
  8. 0

    Silver appleyard questions

    I have a group of 3 week old ducklings - 1 Cayuga, 3 buffs, and 3 silvers. I have 7 other cayugas so I’m familiar with their tolerances. Out of my group, I’ve noticed that my silvers are the first ones to start to get too hot. They have the same activity level as the others, so it’s definitely...
  9. Lemon-Drop

    Poll: Tea, Coffee, or Hot Chocolate?

    Whats your preference, of the ones listed? Tea, Coffee, or Hot Chocolate? If Other, please post below!
  10. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Chicken acting strange

    I have an 18 week old cockerel who was acting weird. I walked outside and it almost seemed like I startled him he jumped up and ran forward then seemed a little disoriented and started walking backwards a few steps. He then shook all the dirt from his feathers (he was in the dust bath) and...
  11. RosyChickens

    Hot Weather

    I have free range chickens - should I be concerned about heat? it's 90 and even a bit over 100 here in Oregon lately. Being free range they have access to shade and my gardens are sprinkled and they seem to like that damp dirt. They are panting and have here wings out - but how can I tell if...
  12. A

    chickens in the hot weather! help!

    okay so i have 10 chickens(+ one turkey) outside in the coop currently and yesterday it was above 90 degrees, i didnt know what to do for them. they were panting and i was worried so i brought them ice water and later on decided to mist them with cool water because they were still panting! i saw...
  13. C

    Help me please!

    I am so tired. I feel like I check on these chickies none stop. These are our first little babies. Here is my setup. I'm concerned because even though the temperature is always between 85 and 95 (sometimes day and night adjust it) they seem to be away from the light. I know they say that's if...
  14. annalux98

    Chicken hot to touch, feeling very thin, empty crop, relatively anorexic, diarrhoea, bumblefoot

    Good morning together! One of the chickens, Blueberry, a very heavy bird (Beechwood Blue), has had some trouble recently. She's always had terrible bumblefoot since she's such a heavy breed (I tried to cut it out but failed, not allowed to try again and vets here don't do it or care), and she...
  15. C

    Hen wont stop screaming

    One of my 20 week old hens has been screaming all day today, she also has her beak open and her toung out. As of date this has not been a behavior she has done. I belive she is one of my hens that are laying. And i did get my daily normal amout of eggs. I checked her for injury and dont see...
  16. AMaggio

    How hot is too hot

    Hi all, first time hatching eggs, we're doing it naturally under some hens. They're just now starting to hatch but the heat index is in the 106 with humidity and we're worried it's too hot. They have food and cold water but im debating bringing them in so i thought I'd reach out and ask. How hot...
  17. Madimhunter

    chicks too hot/cold? Unsure of age

    Hi all! I am raising two more chicks to add to our flock! Although I’m just as nervous all over again. They were pretty lively when I got them home but now they are sleeping. I can’t tell if they are too hot or too cold? Can anyone give me some insight? Thanks very much!
  18. M

    Hot, panting chick

    Hello! About a week ago I got two week old chicks from a farm in the area. One of them, a white Americana, isn’t looking so good. I put my chicks outside under a wire top this morning to let them play in the grass. They were in the sun, and I’m afraid she had a heat stroke. Her legs are splayed...
  19. Thechickentrainer1999

    Need answers fast

    I'm trying to make a dirt bath for my chickens and I have very little time left to do so. Is this dirt okay to use from home depot? I'm looking for something that has no chemicals or bad stuff that could hurt them
  20. cluckmecoop7

    How long does it take to lay an egg?

    Hi everyone, One of my chickens, Kiwi, is sitting in the nesting boxes trying to lay an egg....I think. I'm not positive... Well, she's been sitting in there of about 7 to 10 minutes. When I peek in, she seems to be trying to lay an egg. How can I be sure? Also, it's about 85 degrees right...
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