Duckling hasn’t internally piped yet, he’s trying but I’m VERY CONCERNED about this bruise and odd air sac. I just added more photos to thread.

Please don’t feel that way. Nobody on here thinks your stupid or that you’re a bother
Our concern is to help the best we can
We aren’t experts but many of us have learned from our own hatches
I lost one my first hatch not being patient. My ducklings needed more time in the egg
This is why I push for that
I wasn’t in any way giving you heck but advising you as I know you have more eggs going and another one may need assistance
The pic with the dime size hole is exactly as big as I would make it from the 24-48 hour mark
I wouldn’t mKe it bigger before that time. When we take to much off the baby is able to push up and sometimes push out when they are not ready
I know you get over worried and if you hear him peeping you think that means he needs help
This isn’t the case he is just talking to you
Try to take a few deep breaths and relax
Keep us posted on how he is doing now
Thank you my friend.
Baby was passed away this morning.
I took him out of the egg to see where the bleeding was coming from, it looks like a scratch on his navel that was swollen in a way I’ve never seen before.
I could clearly see a scratch.
The yolk sac was fully absorbed and he was perfect.
I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM! I could have taken him out and used syptic powder to stop the bleeding, but I “allowed” him to die. I was so afraid it was his yolk sac that the poor baby probably starved to death and I let it happen!
I’m gutted.
Here are some photos, maybe you can concur.



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Thank you my friend.
Baby was passed away this morning.
I took him out of the egg to see where the bleeding was coming from, it looks like a scratch on his navel that was swollen in a way I’ve never seen before.
I could clearly see a scratch.
The yolk sac was fully absorbed and he was perfect.
I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM! I could have taken him out and used syptic powder to stop the bleeding, but I “allowed” him to die. I was so afraid it was his yolk sac that the poor baby probably starved to death and I let it happen!
I’m gutted.
Here are some photos, maybe you can concur.

Or maybe that was his yolk sac.. I wish I knew, but I know I could have saved him.
@AmyA248 any updates?
I second everything above, we know how much you care, and we know how scary hatching can be. We're here to help and offer our best advice
Thank you so much for your kindness.
My sweet baby died.
I took out of his shell and he was so perfect, I’m sick about it. 😢
I keep going upstairs so I don’t cry in front of my daughter because I don’t want to ruin her day.
I’m adding a pic, it looks like his navel was bleeding, maybe?
But I could have saved him! But I just left him to die alone..


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Why do you think happened? What is that that the bleeding was coming from? Looks like a belly button.. But Christ, I should have saved him!
It’s really hard to say
The yolk is connected to a cord that’s connected to the veins
If that cord rips from the shell before veins are absorbed fully it can bleed
If a vein is hit while full it can also bleed
When I’m assisting I move very slow and I’m ready if I do hit a vein by accident
I use a dry q tip and apply pressure till it stops
I’m confused cause the pics from yesterday I didn’t see any blood on baby or around the shell
So I wasn’t able to help with that
Baby looked to be in the curled in position so he couldn’t have pushed up to push out
I don’t think you gave updated pics after the bleeding happened
Was he ever out of his egg ?
I’m wondering if it was a nicked blood vein or if he pushed out and pulled his cord causing it ?
Thank you my friend.
Baby was passed away this morning.
I took him out of the egg to see where the bleeding was coming from, it looks like a scratch on his navel that was swollen in a way I’ve never seen before.
I could clearly see a scratch.
The yolk sac was fully absorbed and he was perfect.
I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM! I could have taken him out and used syptic powder to stop the bleeding, but I “allowed” him to die. I was so afraid it was his yolk sac that the poor baby probably starved to death and I let it happen!
I’m gutted.
Here are some photos, maybe you can concur.

The naval doesn't look very swollen, it just looks like the yolk is just been absorbed but not finished being "digested" and there's a bulge there, and it looks yellow not pink like skin. So it was still being digested. that seems pretty normal.
Baby didn't starve to death, he wouldn't have needed food for a couple days.the yolk was only just absorbed by the look of it, maybe not even fully. The umbilical cord is visible and not even dried out.

Baby died due to blood loss, and yes there's a possibility he could've been saved but hindsight is everything. At the time we didn't know where the bleed was from and if we had intervened, and the bleed was from a vein, we could have made it far worse. It was impossible to know it was from the naval without still risking his life.
Baby was just not ready.

I'm very sorry for your loss :hugs
It’s really hard to say
The yolk is connected to a cord that’s connected to the veins
If that cord rips from the shell before veins are absorbed fully it can bleed
If a vein is hit while full it can also bleed
When I’m assisting I move very slow and I’m ready if I do hit a vein by accident
I use a dry q tip and apply pressure till it stops
I’m confused cause the pics from yesterday I didn’t see any blood on baby or around the shell
So I wasn’t able to help with that
Baby looked to be in the curled in position so he couldn’t have pushed up to push out
I don’t think you gave updated pics after the bleeding happened
Was he ever out of his egg ?
I’m wondering if it was a nicked blood vein or if he pushed out and pulled his cord causing it ?
I posted pictures while it was bleeding but it was pooling inside the egg. When I turned the egg is spilling out in my hand.
But that’s definitely where the blood was coming from. He never got out of his egg because I had him in a cup to try to keep him still and not kick and make it worse.
If you blow up the pic you can see the scratch. And there was blood inside the egg.
I don’t know, I’m just so deeply sad because I honestly feel like I let him die.
If I had carefully gotten him out of the egg I could have stopped the bleeding, or at least tried. But I left him all alone and didn’t even try, and the guilt is overwhelming.

I know I must sound dramatic, here I am, a mother, a wife, a hard worker who has seen and heard tragic things, but there is something about babies that have my heart. They are completely innocent and without sin.
I work with veterans who suffer from PTSD, I’m a Clinical Psychologist and I’ve had patients who have told me about the horrors or war, and I help them. If it was up to me I’d help every creature who needed it, human or animal.
Maybe I’m just too sensitive. My husband wants to grow our little farm, and I know many people who have farms and there is A LOT of death and you must be strong.
He’s in the military and has only one extended leave to go, then his duty to our country has been fulfilled.
I can’t squash his dream after he’s been in war..
I was a model until I decided helping people and animals was my calling, and that’s when I realized how incredibly sensitive I am. I’d drive 100 miles to pick up a dying kitten to save! Just an example of the things I’d do.
And as a mother! Omg! I’d jump in front of a train before I’d let her feel an ounce of pain!

I can’t believe I just went on this tyrant, I’m so sorry! I’m just so emotional and tired.
I have yet another egg going into lockdown and I AM TERRIFIED!!!
I think I see a bruise on this one too!
I don’t understand, I have a great incubator, temperature is perfect, the humidity is perfect, I stop turning at the exact date, read everything I can, and every one of my ducklings needed assistance, starting last year with the parents of these eggs parents.

Could it be a bad bloodline?
I know Muscovy’s are difficult to hatch, but geez, compared to my chickens who pop out like popcorn, these ducklings are so terribly difficult.
As you see I never have to ask about my chicks, except when I posted thinking one had tumors when it was their “pouch” and I had just given her peas. Lol!!!
That’s how much I still am learning.

I’m so sorry about my rambling, I’m just so deeply sad. 💔
I posted pictures while it was bleeding but it was pooling inside the egg. When I turned the egg is spilling out in my hand.
But that’s definitely where the blood was coming from. He never got out of his egg because I had him in a cup to try to keep him still and not kick and make it worse.
If you blow up the pic you can see the scratch. And there was blood inside the egg.
I don’t know, I’m just so deeply sad because I honestly feel like I let him die.
If I had carefully gotten him out of the egg I could have stopped the bleeding, or at least tried. But I left him all alone and didn’t even try, and the guilt is overwhelming.

I know I must sound dramatic, here I am, a mother, a wife, a hard worker who has seen and heard tragic things, but there is something about babies that have my heart. They are completely innocent and without sin.
I work with veterans who suffer from PTSD, I’m a Clinical Psychologist and I’ve had patients who have told me about the horrors or war, and I help them. If it was up to me I’d help every creature who needed it, human or animal.
Maybe I’m just too sensitive. My husband wants to grow our little farm, and I know many people who have farms and there is A LOT of death and you must be strong.
He’s in the military and has only one extended leave to go, then his duty to our country has been fulfilled.
I can’t squash his dream after he’s been in war..
I was a model until I decided helping people and animals was my calling, and that’s when I realized how incredibly sensitive I am. I’d drive 100 miles to pick up a dying kitten to save! Just an example of the things I’d do.
And as a mother! Omg! I’d jump in front of a train before I’d let her feel an ounce of pain!

I can’t believe I just went on this tyrant, I’m so sorry! I’m just so emotional and tired.
I have yet another egg going into lockdown and I AM TERRIFIED!!!
I think I see a bruise on this one too!
I don’t understand, I have a great incubator, temperature is perfect, the humidity is perfect, I stop turning at the exact date, read everything I can, and every one of my ducklings needed assistance, starting last year with the parents of these eggs parents.

Could it be a bad bloodline?
I know Muscovy’s are difficult to hatch, but geez, compared to my chickens who pop out like popcorn, these ducklings are so terribly difficult.
As you see I never have to ask about my chicks, except when I posted thinking one had tumors when it was their “pouch” and I had just given her peas. Lol!!!
That’s how much I still am learning.

I’m so sorry about my rambling, I’m just so deeply sad. 💔
I know it will be hard but he is at peace now
We can only learn from our mistakes we make while hatching
We all have made some we regret
The lord forgives you and now you need ti forgive yourself
You are a kind hearted women

The problems are not your bator or your birds
It’s the eggs themselves
They are ti small as she had just started to lay eggs
It’s not recommended to incubate the first few months as the eggs will increase in size as her body adjusts to laying
This will happen each time she breaks from winter as well
Her start up eggs will be smaller and grow ti proper size

If you see a bruise again this time do it different and follow the time line
Make small safety hole in centre of bruise no bigger then a sharpened pencil end
Don’t touch egg for 24 hours
Then after 24 hours you increase that safety hole to dime size and leave it for 24 hours
Don’t open the egg any larger
Now that 48 hours has passed you can slowly peel a few pieces check for veins and if you see some stop and give baby another 3-4 hours and check again
If you see baby chewing I wouldn’t even take more she’ll just let him rest
Being patient is key here and not rushing baby ti hatch before ready is what really saves them

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