Duckling hasn’t internally piped yet, he’s trying but I’m VERY CONCERNED about this bruise and odd air sac. I just added more photos to thread.

I want to add Amy
You made the safety hole less then 48 hours ago
These ducklings that miss the air cell take much longer 48-72 hours
Why was the hole so big he could push out ?
All he needed was a hole the size of a dime where his beak was so he could get air
Then he needed to be left to absorb
My duckling took 52 hours and still had a little yolk
Honestly they can’t be rushed
I know you have more hatching so please keep this in mind if it happens again.
Safety hole in middle of bruise no bigger then a sharpened pencil end
After 24 hours increase hole to size of dime so you see beak
Leave baby another 24 hours
Then make hole a bit bigger and look for veins and check if baby is still chewing. If he is leave him another 4 hours and check again
If he isn’t chewing and veins are gone then slowly pick more shell looking for veins till it’s safe to help him hatch
I started with the very small hole and made it a bit bigger 24 hours later.
I could see with a flashlight that his beak was right there. He began pecking at the hole and nibbling at it.
I’ve been taking everything I’ve been told very seriously, as I think you all know by now how much these little ones mean to us.
I know that they definitely can’t be rushed.
Seeing he’s malpositioned I think he’s able to push on the egg and by this morning it was cracked half open.
I was shocked since no progress was made in many days.
I made the mistake of talking to him, and with that he took his leg that was over his head and gave a good push and a large piece came off.
I thought “Ok, he’s ready to hatch.@ but then I saw blood! Oozing out of the tilted end of the egg!
I immediately got my safety cup and lined it it paper towel and put him in.
I used my flashlight and cannot see where the blood came from!
Everything else is completely dry. I’m not knowledgeable enough to know where it could possibly be coming from.

I’m gutted right now. He’s still peeping but not chewing or yawning. His eye is open and he looked right at me and it just broke my heart because I can’t see how he could make it.. 😢

Thank you again for your unbelievable amount of support and knowledge you’ve given me. I don’t know what I would do without all of you.
And I know you must think that I’m very stupid, but I honestly read everything I can and take all of your advice word for word.

I’m so sorry to have to burden you all, please forgive me..
How would you do that? I don't think that's possible without removing more shell, and I think removing more shell could worsen the bleeding.
I thought about that but I’d have to find out where it’s coming from and to do that I’d have to remove more shell, which could potentially make him bleed out.
I don’t have any of the powder on hand that stops bleeding. I could run to the store if need be, but to be honest I’m terrified to do anything else.
He’s in his cup now to try to keep him still.
I don’t know if I should check on the bleeding but the cup is clear and I don’t see any blood on the paper towel.

Do you have any idea where the blood may be coming from?
Everything else is completely dry, even the duckling.


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I think you need to wait several more hours before peeing more shell. Did you look at the pictures in the link I provided?
I’m not going to touch him! I’m shaking so bad that I could hardly type.
I’m in such a frenzy I didn’t even realize there was a link in your message. I’m so sorry!
I’ll read it now. ❤️❤️❤️
Do you have any idea where the blood may be coming from?
Everything else is completely dry, even the duckling.
The blood is coming from the last of the veins that get absorbed with the yolk. Peeling more shell off now could cause him to bleed out. Let me see if I can find some pictures to show you what it looks like.
I agree not to move more shell but I would check the veins in the area
She did mention he pushed his head and foot out so I’m thinking maybe he pushed a vein
Pictures of how he looks now since bleeding would help
Ok, I’ll add some more photos.


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I started with the very small hole and made it a bit bigger 24 hours later.
I could see with a flashlight that his beak was right there. He began pecking at the hole and nibbling at it.
I’ve been taking everything I’ve been told very seriously, as I think you all know by now how much these little ones mean to us.
I know that they definitely can’t be rushed.
Seeing he’s malpositioned I think he’s able to push on the egg and by this morning it was cracked half open.
I was shocked since no progress was made in many days.
I made the mistake of talking to him, and with that he took his leg that was over his head and gave a good push and a large piece came off.
I thought “Ok, he’s ready to hatch.@ but then I saw blood! Oozing out of the tilted end of the egg!
I immediately got my safety cup and lined it it paper towel and put him in.
I used my flashlight and cannot see where the blood came from!
Everything else is completely dry. I’m not knowledgeable enough to know where it could possibly be coming from.

I’m gutted right now. He’s still peeping but not chewing or yawning. His eye is open and he looked right at me and it just broke my heart because I can’t see how he could make it.. 😢

Thank you again for your unbelievable amount of support and knowledge you’ve given me. I don’t know what I would do without all of you.
And I know you must think that I’m very stupid, but I honestly read everything I can and take all of your advice word for word.

I’m so sorry to have to burden you all, please forgive me..
Please don’t feel that way. Nobody on here thinks your stupid or that you’re a bother
Our concern is to help the best we can
We aren’t experts but many of us have learned from our own hatches
I lost one my first hatch not being patient. My ducklings needed more time in the egg
This is why I push for that
I wasn’t in any way giving you heck but advising you as I know you have more eggs going and another one may need assistance
The pic with the dime size hole is exactly as big as I would make it from the 24-48 hour mark
I wouldn’t mKe it bigger before that time. When we take to much off the baby is able to push up and sometimes push out when they are not ready
I know you get over worried and if you hear him peeping you think that means he needs help
This isn’t the case he is just talking to you
Try to take a few deep breaths and relax
Keep us posted on how he is doing now

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