Duckling Leg Injury DIAGNOSIS: Slipped Tendons

I'm still in shock, as I'm sure you all are. I know I haven't contributed anything to the thread, but I've been following it and I'm not ashamed to say this has brought tears to my eyes.

She couldn't have had better parents than you. My thoughts are with you. Now where did I put the tissue... HUGE HUGS TO EVERYONE!
I am so very sorry to hear about Rosie. Oh my goodness she went through so much in her short life and you both were right there to help her through it all. So heartbreaking for you all to have to say goodbye. I know Ella will sure miss her sister hopefully the flock will welcome her when she is old enough to be part of them.
My heart is broken for ya'll too. :hugs
Rosie died last night.

We're not sure what actually happened. The first vet we saw (when our vet was on vacation) said that she suspected something more serious (genetic abnormality) could be going on that would manifest itself later. We are not going to do a necropsy.

We feel very lucky to have had a chance to get to know little Rosie and to help her experience this great big world even if it was just for a short time. In the last few days, she was increasingly growing frustrated at her lack of mobility, and she was impatient in her wheelchair. Even swimming did not bring her the joy it used to. We had started crating her at night because she would otherwise flail about in her brooder until she exhausted herself. We knew she wasn't eating enough regardless of what we tried. We found that she was most relaxed swaddled and carried around, which is how she spent a lot of yesterday. She was very sweet with us. Her sister Ella Pickle remained very loyal. As much as Pickle liked to roam around the farm when we were out, she would frequently go back and check on Rosie. When we were not outside, she was glued to Rosie's side. As sad as we are, we know the transition will be most challenging for her.

As always, thank you all for your help and encouragement. Rosie felt the love and so did we. Thank you.
I am so sad for you and Rosie. Poor girl. You did as much as anyone could to giver her a happy life and certainly made a difference giving her so much love in her short life. I do hope Ella Pickle adjusts quickly -- did she see Rosie's body? If so she will know Rosie died and didn't just disappear.

Cyber hugs for you and Ella Pickle
I'm still in shock, as I'm sure you all are. I know I haven't contributed anything to the thread, but I've been following it and I'm not ashamed to say this has brought tears to my eyes.

She couldn't have had better parents than you. My thoughts are with you. Now where did I put the tissue... HUGE HUGS TO EVERYONE!
Thank you so very much! It means a lot.
That is so sad to hear! šŸ˜­ Rosie was such a sweetheart! šŸ’”
In her life, as short as it was, she experienced a lot of love and the best parents a duck can wish for have taken care of her. And her sister loved and cared for her too!

Need some time to digest this... šŸ˜¢

How is Ella holding up?
Ella is doing okay. The big ducks are still terrified of her. Yesterday she stayed out in the field with Stella, Goose and Martha, but they stayed pretty far apart most of the day (except when an osprey flew over). She follows them (and us) around during supervised free range. She seems like she really wants to be right with them, but they run away. Today we have her with Goose and Martha in the field around the duckhouse so she can hopefully get used to the duckhouse. We did bring her in to sleep last night. We're trying to figure out the best way to get her sleeping outside sooner rather than later.

It's clear she misses Rosie. When we let them out, she immediately runs to where Rosie would spend most of her days tucked into the black eyed susans and then she quacks and quacks and quacks when she doesn't find her there. :-(
I am so very sorry to hear about Rosie. Oh my goodness she went through so much in her short life and you both were right there to help her through it all. So heartbreaking for you all to have to say goodbye. I know Ella will sure miss her sister hopefully the flock will welcome her when she is old enough to be part of them.
My heart is broken for ya'll too. :hugs
Thank you so much! We so appreciate all your help and advice.

We're working to get the big ducks to accept Ella Pickle. They are terrified of her right now, but we need to get her living outside with them. Little steps each day....
I am so sad for you and Rosie. Poor girl. You did as much as anyone could to giver her a happy life and certainly made a difference giving her so much love in her short life. I do hope Ella Pickle adjusts quickly -- did she see Rosie's body? If so she will know Rosie died and didn't just disappear.

Cyber hugs for you and Ella Pickle
Thank you. Yes, Ella was in the same room (but separate brooder) when Rosie died, and we spent some time letting Ella see her the next morning. She was very quiet and looked at Rosie very intently. We think she knows.

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