Egg bound hen!


6 Years
Jul 14, 2017
Hello so ill keep it short, so its been almost two days and my hen seems to be egg bound. First day she seemed egg bound but after a few hours seemed okay, turns out the egg hasn't passed yet and she is straining again.

I tried to let her naturally pass it but it doesn’t seem like she will anytime soon. She is waddling like a penguin, arched back, straining, seems bloated, and is bald around the vent. I am soaking her in water right now, not sure what to do next.
Have you given her a human calcium tablet with vitamin D3? That could help her lay an egg if she is egg bound. Get her drinking water as well. If she is nit too weak, sitting her in a shallow warm pan of water to soak may help. Pictures can be helpful. The posture and walking during egg binding can be similar to a hen with internal laying and egg yolk peritonitis. How old is she, and has she laid eggs recently? What does her poop look like? Pictures are welcome.
Have you given her a human calcium tablet with vitamin D3? That could help her lay an egg if she is egg bound. Get her drinking water as well. If she is nit too weak, sitting her in a shallow warm pan of water to soak may help. Pictures can be helpful. The posture and walking during egg binding can be similar to a hen with internal laying and egg yolk peritonitis. How old is she, and has she laid eggs recently? What does her poop look like? Pictures are welcome.
I have some avian calcium powder and I gave them in her water. She is a golden comet and i know how they are with egg binding. I'm not looking to loose her as she is one of my friendliest girls.

Took her to the vet clinic and the avian vet was not there and apparently she won't be coming in tomorrow either. so I'm hoping he makes it through the night. Tomorrow i could get another vet to come over, she is a part of the family so i don't mind the vet bills. I could take pictures tomorrow morning, she was still running around and pooping a bit. Poop is mushy but not completely watery. She is around 3, no eggs for the past few days from her.
Well sad update, we will unfortunately be culling her as the vet determined that she won’t survive even if we did surgery as the egg had broken and she had an infection. As sad as culling her is, i don’t want her to suffer anymore. We did an x-ray on her:

So sorry about your hen. I am not good at reading xrays, but with the roundness to her belly, it looks like she has ascites fluid or water belly, a condition seen in egg yolk peritonitis infection, cancer, and liver disease. Sometimes removing some of that fluid can give some temporary relief, but the condition and causative disease is eventually fatal.
Have you given her a human calcium tablet with vitamin D3? That could help her lay an egg if she is egg bound. Get her drinking water as well. If she is nit too weak, sitting her in a shallow warm pan of water to soak may help. Pictures can be helpful. The posture and walking during egg binding can be similar to a hen with internal laying and egg yolk peritonitis. How old is she, and has she laid eggs recently? What does her poop look like? Pictures are welcome.
In similar situation here with our 2yr old Golden-laced Wyandotte. Haven't seen any eggs from her since the winter break. Very messy back side. And very stinky I'm guessing from it. Withdrawn fromthe flock, not interested in eating or doign anything else other than lying ont he ground. Arched back with tail down yesterday, but today not so much. Was gonna go get the calcium tablet. Is there a specific dosage I should look for?

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