When did your chicken start to lay?

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It’s hard for me to vote because I have so many that started at different times but the majority of mine started between 18 and 21 weeks.
I have all kinds. I’d have to check all the boxes. :p
Ditto Dos^^^

Plus the weeks missing on the poll...and varying hatch dates I've had over the years.
Have two 31 wo pullets not that haven't laid yet.
Average onset of lay for most breeds is 18-28 weeks,
others might start earlier... or later.
I voted for 24+ week but since I have a variety it varies a lot e.g. ISA brown started laying at 17 weeks but my Araucana and Silkies keep me waiting until 28-32 weeks. Most average in the other breeds or mixes I have is closer to 24-26 weeks
I voted. My ordinary chickens (Rhode Island Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Sex-links...) average about 21-24 weeks, but my silkies started at 8 months with a bang. My Old English Game bantam still isn't laying and she is about 8 1/2 months.
Oh wow! Good luck with the Old English Game bantam! I didn't know there even were game batams! They sound beautiful! Pics? :)

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