EMERGENCY: Older hen pale and unresponsive.


This Is An Illusion
Mar 27, 2021
I have a hen that was given to me by a friend because she was a wanderer and always getting into trouble. We allowed her to live with us because we have a free ranch farm and she would be more in her environment.
That was about 2 years ago, and now, she is probably around 6-8 years old. She has an issue where her beak splits as it grows and we lost track of how far it had grown. I don't know if this is necessarily the issue though. Last night when I closed everyone up she was in her usual spot and acting fine. This morning, my brother found her on her side in the coop. She is keeping her neck pulled in fine, but she can't sit up right. Her eyes remain closed except for very rarely she will open one about half-way. Her comb is very pale.
We've been giving her electrolyte water and some antibiotics incase she is dehydrated or has a sort of internal infection. Nothing seems to be improving her. She drank the water but didn't except the yogurt when we tried giving it to her.
I currently have her sitting in a nest of towels to prop her up and there is a heating pad set on low underneath her, since she felt very cold. She looks dead, but I could feel her pulse and breathing fairly easily. Any idea what could be wrong? Is she having some sort of cardiac issue? I had another older hen die mysteriously about 2 weeks ago, but there was a chance that one was predatorial (we aren't sure since we didn't find her until a bit late...). There are no symptoms of disease such as lethargicness, running nose or eyes, coughing, or sneezing, in her or any of the other flock members. She was fine yesterday and suddenly, she is not.

PLEASE HELP, I don't know what to do
I have a hen that was given to me by a friend because she was a wanderer and always getting into trouble. We allowed her to live with us because we have a free ranch farm and she would be more in her environment.
That was about 2 years ago, and now, she is probably around 6-8 years old. She has an issue where her beak splits as it grows and we lost track of how far it had grown. I don't know if this is necessarily the issue though. Last night when I closed everyone up she was in her usual spot and acting fine. This morning, my brother found her on her side in the coop. She is keeping her neck pulled in fine, but she can't sit up right. Her eyes remain closed except for very rarely she will open one about half-way. Her comb is very pale.
We've been giving her electrolyte water and some antibiotics incase she is dehydrated or has a sort of internal infection. Nothing seems to be improving her. She drank the water but didn't except the yogurt when we tried giving it to her.
I currently have her sitting in a nest of towels to prop her up and there is a heating pad set on low underneath her, since she felt very cold. She looks dead, but I could feel her pulse and breathing fairly easily. Any idea what could be wrong? Is she having some sort of cardiac issue? I had another older hen die mysteriously about 2 weeks ago, but there was a chance that one was predatorial (we aren't sure since we didn't find her until a bit late...). There are no symptoms of disease such as lethargicness, running nose or eyes, coughing, or sneezing, in her or any of the other flock members. She was fine yesterday and suddenly, she is not.

PLEASE HELP, I don't know what to do
Is there pictures?

Might be old age. Did you perform an necropsy on the other one?
Is there pictures?

Might be old age. Did you perform an necropsy on the other one?
She is a buff orpington, and I don't have any way to get pictures right now

Um... inform me specifically what necropsy is...
Her breathing is steady right now and for the first time, I can see it rising and falling clearly
A necrospy is basically an autotopsy, but they use the name for animals.
Uh, no, there was no way. I hate to admit how far gone the other hen was, my mother and I have been pretty swamped with guilt about how long it took us to find her
I have a hen that was given to me by a friend because she was a wanderer and always getting into trouble. We allowed her to live with us because we have a free ranch farm and she would be more in her environment.
That was about 2 years ago, and now, she is probably around 6-8 years old. She has an issue where her beak splits as it grows and we lost track of how far it had grown. I don't know if this is necessarily the issue though. Last night when I closed everyone up she was in her usual spot and acting fine. This morning, my brother found her on her side in the coop. She is keeping her neck pulled in fine, but she can't sit up right. Her eyes remain closed except for very rarely she will open one about half-way. Her comb is very pale.
We've been giving her electrolyte water and some antibiotics incase she is dehydrated or has a sort of internal infection. Nothing seems to be improving her. She drank the water but didn't except the yogurt when we tried giving it to her.
I currently have her sitting in a nest of towels to prop her up and there is a heating pad set on low underneath her, since she felt very cold. She looks dead, but I could feel her pulse and breathing fairly easily. Any idea what could be wrong? Is she having some sort of cardiac issue? I had another older hen die mysteriously about 2 weeks ago, but there was a chance that one was predatorial (we aren't sure since we didn't find her until a bit late...). There are no symptoms of disease such as lethargicness, running nose or eyes, coughing, or sneezing, in her or any of the other flock members. She was fine yesterday and suddenly, she is not.

PLEASE HELP, I don't know what to do
I had a hen who died because she was absolutely covered in mites and we didn’t notice for who knows how long.
If you have a powder or spray or something to get rid of the mites, I’d do that, but since she’s old there’s a chance she doesn’t make it... :(
I had a hen who died because she was absolutely covered in mites and we didn’t notice for who knows how long.
If you have a powder or spray or something to get rid of the mites, I’d do that, but since she’s old there’s a chance she doesn’t make it... :(
waitwaitwaitwait, you say the MITES are the problem? How?

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