EMERGENCY: Older hen pale and unresponsive.

It could be mites. Have you had problems recently with them?
It could be a load of things. Is there anything wrong with the rest of the flock?
Have you had a predator scare lately?
No major predator issues. We have battling two different infestations though. Another friend gave us some older ens that all had chicken lice, about 3 or 4 years ago, and it's still an issue. As of several months ago, and newer, trailer, smaller, red mite has appeared that infests faster but dies easier. They both feel impossible to kick.
My hen is crawling with the red mites, they are everywhere. I saw one lice peek out of her feathers for a moment.
No major predator issues. We have battling two different infestations though. Another friend gave us some older ens that all had chicken lice, about 3 or 4 years ago, and it's still an issue. As of several months ago, and newer, trailer, smaller, red mite has appeared that infests faster but dies easier. They both feel impossible to kick.
My hen is crawling with the red mites, they are everywhere. I saw one lice peek out of her feathers for a moment.
Treat the WHOLE flock for mites. And deep clean everything!
She opened her eyes briefly when I walked into the room. Just now, while I was sitting here, she tucked her beak into her shoulder feathers as if to sleep. I can see her breathing steadily
It would take an extreme amount of mites and an already compromised bird for it to straight up kill her though. It could be a combination of old age and mite anemia.

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