Every time you turn on the news...

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It's everywhere. The guy that killed all those amish kids, all the other school shooters, last year in Raleigh a man cut his 3-4 year old daughter's head off!!!!

There are so many SICK people.
how can lyo blame some juvinile delenquint bringing a bun to school on Bush, read the article he has been in trouble since he was 12, and that is when he entered the system. His parents are to blame not the president. I guess if you want to just use its Bushes fault as a very broad stroke of blame then yes he is to blame because it happened in his country, but then I have to credit bush with One of my boy scouts making EAGLE it is the medias fault. that is what sells blood and gore, what is the last feel good story that made true headlines not burried on page 40 of a 41 page newspaper? Parents are to blame when KIDS go wrong, if anyones kids on here goes and robs the 7/11 its the parents fault for allowing thier kids out of the house, access to weapons, and for not instilling good morals in thier children.

SO NO it is not BUSHES fault it was the Parent notice no S fault for not being there for thier KID they probably were out on a date and havent talked to the kid in the last 4 years nad have just been tolerateing whatever he did at school waiting fo r his 18th birthday to arrive so that his sorry behind could be kicked out of the house

Get a grip on reality and that is that everythng can not be blamed on the President, and if you want to blame it on such blame it on reagan, the elder bush and blowjob bill, because they are the ones that screwed up this kids parents
Don't get me wrong, I think that GWB is the WORST thing to happen to this country, EVER (well maybe since McCarthy), but I *REALLY* hope you are just making a snide comment about liberals and you're not actually blaming this on the moron at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. There are a lot of things to lay at his feet (most of them bodies and human rights) but this is hardly one of them.

(Editted to add, I half suspect that you're trying to mock the liberal response that puts so much at his door way for the record, and if that's the case, come on, there are extremists on BOTH sides of the political fence, no one can really believe that Bush is to blame for this, these have been happening since long before Bush took office (Columbine was '99, Dunblane (the Massacre at the primary school in Scotland) was in '96 etc.)
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Just to add to previous post, I do not like bush and did not vote for him, and if you didn't vote against him you have no right to complain, so if you want change GET OUT AND VOTE. I also do not agree with a lot he does, but blame for stuff like this has to start at home or the lack there of
One more time:
Alright, let's not get into a political debate here. Simmer down now.

Look guys if we argue...this will get locked!​
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